all who are hatching quail

Any one use the nipple type waterers for chicks? At what age can they start on the nipples? I use the cups in my grow out and breeder cages but sure get tired of filling the flip over waterers in the brooder plus they take up more room.

I use rabbit waterers I hang them on the outside of the wire cage with the nipple just inside the cage at about 3 weeks of age. Just tap it a few times and let it drip and they come running over and figure it right out. It is easier for me because quail are so dirty, the water gets disgusting too fast in an open bowl or waterer so I think it works a lot better.
They use the low pressure cup with the trigger in then really well starting at three weeks when I move them into my grow out cage. I'm just thinking of the drip nipple waterers for them from 1-3 weeks in my big brooder. Having 100 quail in at a time they go through the water fast.
I have found that only the waterers work well with quail chicks until they are 5-7 days old because of their size and weakness. I raise ~1000 bobwhites a year and haven't had very good luck with anything else. I am using GQF brooders so I can hang the water in troughs outside once they are big enough. I use the cup waterers beginning at 5 weeks when they move to bigger pens.
I have found that only the waterers work well with quail chicks until they are 5-7 days old because of their size and weakness. I raise ~1000 bobwhites a year and haven't had very good luck with anything else. I am using GQF brooders so I can hang the water in troughs outside once they are big enough. I use the cup waterers beginning at 5 weeks when they move to bigger pens.
Just received our 36 assorted button quail eggs in the mail yesterday. We was suppose to get 24. :) They are still resting till this afternoon, then into the incubator they go. Can't wait for them to hatch. Our daughter can't contain herself. She wants to see what colors we get.

Here they are. I don't see any pure whites so I think that's a no go on the white gene. Would anyone know what colors we might have by just looking at the color of the eggs?

I wish I had a basement. LOL! Not a whole lot of people in Florida with those. My water table is only 21 inches down right now so my basement would be a pool. I've tried my pantry but its not cool enough. I am consider a special egg storage closet which would be cooled so maybe in there.
I hear you there. I recently moved from a home that was situated over limestone, so no basement at all. And yikes, 21 inches to a pool!

Wherever you store your Fermented Feed, don't let it be in the kitchen, not even in a sealed pantry. FF could mix with the other beneficial bacteria you have in your kitchen, which could spoil your homemade kombucha, cheese, yogurt, kefir, etc. Every time you'd open the pantry, a new 'puff' would circulate in the kitchen. Gross!
I have 24 pipping bobwhites in the incubator. They started pipping (just tinny cracks) yesterday around 5pm. Today they haven't changed at all. How long should it take to hatch completely after pipping?
I have my pair of buttons sitting on her eggs. Been about over a week now. Well see what happens. She's such a good mama, even pops will sit one them here n there.

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