all who are hatching quail

i just moved all my noisy boys to the guinea pig run..till I sort out who I want as a breeder.
Thats some disgruntled boys and some unamused guinea pigs lol.. its a huge 6ft by 6ft lots of room for all.
they're loving the dappled sun and the grass actually.
( the most agressive one is looking like sandwich material though ..nasty little sucker)

I'm planning one male to 3-4 females . The extra boys can hang out in the 'petting zoo' .
Its summer here though, easy to sort them . Come winter they'll all go in the wood shed in their runs with hay bales as insulation. We dont get sub zero much here.
i just moved all my noisy boys to the guinea pig run..till I sort out who I want as a breeder.
Thats some disgruntled boys and some unamused guinea pigs lol.. its a huge 6ft by 6ft lots of room for all.
Hah! I would love to see that setup.
You really have a menagerie going!
yes they were raised together from the same hatch, so I am told. the breed, a local guy, has a large selection of Quail and he even gave me my first incubator for free. I had never met him before but he could tell I was keen to get started etc.i'll give it another week. fingers crossed, thank you.
Hi everyone. I'm new here and I am in the process of figuring out what kind of incubator to buy for quails. I don't need anything huge. Just something to get started. Also just learning about how to raise/breed quail. Any tips/ advice would be greatly appreciated.
Hi Guys,

noticed one of my chicks has curled toes. I've tried putting a card boot on there, but it just came off. It's running about and eating and drinking. I don't plan on putting these birds on wire... does it matter?

I was using some plaster tape stuff that came in a first aid kit.
I've found the easiest way to straighten curled toes is to use masking tape. Make small squares and put one on top and another on the bottom of the feet with the toes spread out and straight. Let the toe tip/claws be just beyond the tape, and don't include the dewclaw. They should look like little duck feet when done. If you don't get them straight now he will always walk on little stumps and start to get sores. Need to fix it now.
Hi Guys,

noticed one of my chicks has curled toes. I've tried putting a card boot on there, but it just came off. It's running about and eating and drinking. I don't plan on putting these birds on wire... does it matter?

I was using some plaster tape stuff that came in a first aid kit.
Can you take a picture of the chicks foot? How many days old is it?

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