all who are hatching quail

yeah... I had to do 4. They were tasty, but it was such a horrific experience. Some reflection may change my mind. I might raise some more when the weather is warmer and they can ive outside. My only target was to hatch eggs... I did that and now I get 3 eggs every day to eat!
Are the ones you kept friendly? My a&ms are almost 3 weeks and I can't even touch them. They freak when I change their food and water. Makes me sad. They were so sweet when they were babies.
I raise coturnix and is hard decided who gets butchered. they taste great though, especially smoked. I should be getting 24++ A&M eggs today or tomorrow to hatch and I have 100 eggs from my birds that someone else is hatching out for me. I am super excited to see what they look like since I have multiple color patterns in the same pen.
I'm trying to hatch my first 16. They were due to hatch on tuesday, 3 hatched. 1 pipped but didn't hatch, the next day 2 more pipped but only one hatched. Now I have one that pipped almost 48 hours ago and 1 almost 24 hours ago. Is this okay or should I do something. My humidity was around 55 so I increased it to 70 hoping that would help.
Are the ones you kept friendly? My a&ms are almost 3 weeks and I can't even touch them. They freak when I change their food and water. Makes me sad. They were so sweet when they were babies.

If you want them to be your best friend, get some mealworm!!

Mine don't like my hand in the box (unless it contains food), but if I pick one up it will stand on my hand quietly enough - like in my avatar.

Since you live in texas, do some research on Black Soldier Fly larva. I have two biopods that I intend to start up this summer and will grow thousands. I can take those and feed them, they are high in protein and I can freeze them for a tasty protein treat during the winter too. Take advantage of the free stuff in your neighborhood.
Any suggestions? Or should I wait until the third day? I just don't want to let it die if I can help.

I would help it if its been well over 24 hours and not progressing. The last 2 quail I hatched had pipped for over 24 and did nothing. I was freaking out and thought it was a good idea to step in and help. I just picked away the shelled where they pipped and did not break through the inner membrane. I'm glad I helped them out BC the inner membrane had no red bloody veins left and was starting to dry out. Do a search on here for helping chivks out of eggs. There's lots of advice with great details.

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