all who are hatching quail

well, i went over to visit with my parents today and when i got home my little a&m was dead also. im not sure whats going on. its 100 degrees everytime i check. I am using a reptile light bulb would that make difference? i cant figure out why the little guys are dying. i am taking them out of the incubator as soon as i see them because i have 1/2 inch mesh floor and they so small they fall thru. any ideas anyone?
are the jmf jumbo much different in size compared to other jumbo?

Significantly compared to the so called jumbo browns that I started with.
I weighed 20 of my 5.5 week old males today to cull and pick breeders from. The weight range from 235-255 grams, that is significant for 5.5 weeks old Roos. I weighed 7 males that were now 7 weeks old, ranged from 255-290grams, while the hens ranged from 298 to 335 grams. To be kept for a breeder I recheck my weights at 9 weeks, males must be at least 290 grams while hens must be over 310 grams. Most of my 4-5 week old birds are now bigger than mature adults of the old jumbo browns. Defiantly worth switching to the JMF XLD line, mine are the C line of Robbie's birds.
Here is a pic- the three birds on the right I thawed out of the freezer, they were 8 week old jumbo brown hens from my original birds that I raised last summer. The three birds on the left are 3 fresh processed JMF 8 week old hens. I let this pic do my advertising to sell chicks.
My husbands htc phone flashlight app is far better than our powerful torch, even could see early veins on japanese mottled quail eggs. By your stage you shouldnt be able to see anything except an air bubble so if they glow you know they never developed. So sorry and goodluck, still getting one hatch now and that one is seven days late thanks to my stupid thermometer trouble!
Seven days late? wow

You do realize that any bird hatched that late is likely to have issues, I hope not, but brace yourself.
Very much so, have two that have been out for two days and eating drinking pooing ok, but one of them has deformed feet that im correcting with mini shoes. 4 are pipping, two hatched and died. Turned out that thermostat was keeping it at 35 and showing 38 so it was a miracle any hatched. The four that are pipping I hold little hope for but can only wait and see.

Cant photoedit and add from my browser so apologies for large shot. The one standing is the one that has deformed feet, he is still learning how to walk in his little flipper shoes!
What do people mean when they refer to "float testing?"
it's a method used to test development of embryos inside an egg. Basically to tell if it is a fertile egg and contains a chick. There is lots of info about it on here. I can't post links from my phone for some reason but I'm sure someone will.

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