all who are hatching quail

well, the eggs i put in the incubator on the 11th started hatching yesterday, i have 5 so far 3 looking great.1 had what looked like and imbilical cord hanging from it, and another just looks weak but he seems to be getting better. theres 1 egg in there thats been cracked for a 24 hour period and no chick came out. dont think it will make it.after my first attempt,where 2 of 9 eggs hatched and both chicks did soon after, i redid my homemade incubator moved the fan closer to the light and drilled bigger holes in the thermo switch. it seems to have helped. i still had temp variances of about 3 degrees from time to time but seems to be doing well. i also changed my bulb from a heat lamp bulb for reptiles to a normal 60 watt clear light bulb. hopefully i get alot of babies this time.
again thanks for all the help/answers everyone gave last time esp. quailjailer





5 coturnix hatch

9 bobwhite in bator only 3 fertile

Quail sleep in vary weird ways!
My little beaky, as we have now named our special little deformed quail, isnt eatting as much as the others. which is obv to be expected , but iv ground the crumb up to almost a powder. he is eatting and drinking. must not be able to get alot in like the others. any suggestions to help the little guy?
My little beaky, as we have now named our special little deformed quail, isnt eatting as much as the others. which is obv to be expected , but iv ground the crumb up to almost a powder. he is eatting and drinking. must not be able to get alot in like the others. any suggestions to help the little guy?

Keep doing what you're doing, give him a little time he'll figure out the backhoe method.
Quick question fellow quail hatchers.
This is my first time ever using an incubator to hatch and the incubator I have is a little giants still air. I noticed the temp drops and spikes up often on its own. How do I prevent this from happening? I don't want a staggered hatch or none hatching at all. I have button quail eggs.

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