Almost Day 2 anyone else?

I set my eggs on Saturday Morning, so today is day 4 for me.

14 cuckoo marans
15 ameraucana

This is my first hatch, too. And so far so good!
I put mine in late saturday night. They were 63 from who knows what kinds of chickens, just brown, white, green, and a weird olive color eggs, and one golden campine egg that a man gave me at a flea market and I carried it all the way home in my bra for safe keeping. I had 2 dozen due to hatch yesterday, but are doing nothing. Ive got 4 duck eggs due in a week, a goose egg due...whenever it hatches becasue I dont know how long they take, and 12 chicken eggs and 2 quail eggs on the table waiting for the new bator hubbys picking up today(the other 2 are full) and eggs coming in the mail.

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