Almost done! With new pictures on page 2.

I love it!
You should win the Grand Prize for that fun creation! Love it. Thanks for sharing. Now you need pictures with your girls enjoying it, please.
Very impressive! Can't show my girls that or they'd be so jealous!! LOL We currently have 4 smaller coops, but are building them a new coop for them all to live in by converting a 10x10 shed kit. Hubby's been in and out of town on business so it's been slow going (takes 2 to do most of the work).
Got grand plans for it tho'!
Twelve nests... built in 50-lb bag feeder... heated self-filling water container... brooder (under the nests since it'll be wasted space)... two 10ft roosting bars. It'll be a palace compared to what they have now! LOL

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