Almost got hit while going through crosswalk

I've had that happen to me also. I'm a senior and not as fast crossing streets as I used to be. But started crossing 4 lanes just as the light changed red. Goofballs always start up and honking and gesturing at me because I'm not fast enough for them. DO manage to get across before the light turns green. They don't care anyway. I don't use the best language in replying to them - so sometimes glad no police as witnesses.
BTW they also were nasty when my friend who wore leg braces (due to having polio years ago) hadn't quite made it to the curb in time. She didn't get upset but I cussed them up and down. And told them to try walking with braces and having snotty people curse them.

Some think it's funny - what can a petite person do - they should consider the damage one small wasp can do when angry. Don't mess with my friends or family.

Oh drivers are also nasty when the weather is bad. Love to splash pedestrians from head to tow when it's raining. Or honk like crazy, if they don't get by fast enough. They are nice and dry and comfortable- pedestrians are NOT.

One carpy women gave me the finger. I am not accustomed to doing that to anyone.
So I just gave her the "thumb" she was so confounded she wasn't sure what that meant.
I saw a video where one guy, a pedestrian, just stopped in his tracks, folded his arms and stared down the offending driver. He didn't move or say anything through one whole light cycle. Then when his light turned green again he just turned and calmly finished walking through. He would not be hurried or intimidated by rude drivers, but he was taking a risk ... there may have been one willing to run him over, I suppose, although there were plenty of witnesses. Still... doesn't do you much good if you're hurt or dead.
I'm in the country where there is bigger and closer neighbors, but the people who DON't normally go down our road speed through it, so many curves and bumps to since we live in the woods, it's so bad down our road I have to take my daughter to the edge of the road to drop her off since it is dangerous for the bus to go through so many curves when everyone is in a hurry for no reason. :rant
My house is at the end of a small street - it used to have a sign that said "Dead end' but folks kept stealing all the street signs. Whenever garage doors are open you can see all the missing ones. I assume police driving by pay no notice.

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