Almost Home~~A Story Game

"good I would hate to get my beautiful feathers all wet, who's that? we better run or I will become dessert " Tina asked
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"Dessert? Never! Breakfast...?" He let the sentence hang in the air unfinished. "Anyway. There's no flooding. This little one was just teasing." He held his paw out towards Lillia. Molly carefully crawled out of her hollow. "Stupid Chyken." She muttered. "Who are you?" She said staring at the dog, with her hackles up. "Bayach. And you can put those hackles down. Even if I did plan to eat you, they wouldn't do any good to impede my teeth." (Reference there.) Molly kept her hackles up, and looked at the chickens. "Did you bring him here? Is this how you're planning to torture me? Eh, Chykens?"
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"Dessert? Never! Breakfast...?" He let the sentence hang in the air unfinished. "Anyway. There's no flooding. This little one was just teasing." He held his paw out towards Lillia. Molly carefully crawled out of her hollow. "Stupid Chyken." She muttered. "Who are you?" She said staring at the dog, with her hackles up. "Bayach. And you can put those hackles down. Even if I did plan to eat you, they wouldn't do any good to impede my teeth." (Reference there.) Molly kept her hackles up, and looked at the chickens. "Did you bring him here? Is this how you're planning to torture me? Eh, Chykens?"
"Um, I had nothing to do with him. No, nothing at all. Nothing at all" said Lillia. "and stop referencing brooder tales like the Chykens. If you were told the same ones I was, you will remember this part of the description of Chykens "Black as night their feathers were, with beaks of solid iron" Good Grief, I have brown feathers and a beak that is clearly not made of metal. Neither is my tail made of bristly wire, or my eyes "Cold as stones.""
Tina giggled and whispered. "Did you have to? we had a lot of leverage when she was afraid of us...
Molly looked insulted. ".....I know." She said, blatantly not knowing. Bayach cleared his throat. "Anyway! Where are you guys headed?"
Molly looked at Bayach, "Anywhere there's shelter. Do you know a place?"


"Will you tell us?"

"Why should I?"

Molly was getting angry at this taunting now. "Fine. If you don't want tell us, we'll find our own shelter." She started to walk away, hoping the chickens would follow.

Bayach laughed. "Okay, Little Goat. Follow me, I'll show you shelter." Molly turned around to face him. "No. I don't follow bullies." Bayach motioned towards the chickens. "I'm sure they would rather have shelter, than be wandering around a forest with a goat that's afraid of chickens." Molly was very angry now. "I'm not afraid of them...much." Bayach looked towards the hens sitting on the ground. "Let's ask them. Who do you want to go with chickies?"
Molly looked at Bayach, "Anywhere there's shelter. Do you know a place?"


"Will you tell us?"

"Why should I?"

Molly was getting angry at this taunting now. "Fine. If you don't want tell us, we'll find our own shelter." She started to walk away, hoping the chickens would follow.

Bayach laughed. "Okay, Little Goat. Follow me, I'll show you shelter." Molly turned around to face him. "No. I don't follow bullies." Bayach motioned towards the chickens. "I'm sure they would rather have shelter, than be wandering around a forest with a goat that's afraid of chickens." Molly was very angry now. "I'm not afraid of them...much." Bayach looked towards the hens sitting on the ground. "Let's ask them. Who do you want to go with chickies?"
Lillia looked left and right. She was beginning to get tired of the bickering. "Nobody's going off alone here, okay?" she said. Suddenly she knew how dominant hens must feel at times. She was by no means dominant, but remembering Sugar, the old head hen in her coop, she drew herself up. "We are not going to survive alone" She said, trying to imitate the haughty air which somehow asserted Sugar's dominance. Sugar had been the one who had stopped chaos from breaking out in the pecking order several times. Now she had to order those around her to keep them from splitting up. the dog, with his canine abilities would be a huge boon to their group. But she wasn't going to give up Molly either. A goat would also be a good thing to have in a mini-flock. And Tina was her emotional lifeline. As a fellow chicken, she could connect. "We need to stay together for now, even if we don't like each other, okay? This is not a backyard, this is the wild. The stakes are high." She said, hoping nobody would figure out she was totally unsure as a leader.
Bayach stared at her. "Says the four-pound, eight inch hen. I wasn't the one who suggested going off on my own in the first place, it was your fraidy goat there."
Lillia had to work hard to keep from stammering. "TEN inch, not eight. FIVE pound, not four." Bayach was obviously going to be an issue if she tried to keep this unlikely flock together. Later, she decided, she would ask Tina if she could take charge. Surely Tina knew as well as she sticking together would be the key to survival. And she would be better at playing lead hen.
Molly was very peeved that Bayach had insulted her chicken, and her. "Leave her alone, puppy."

Bayach just laughed. "Okay, we'll stick together. Where do you plan to go, Little Goat?"

Molly stood up to her full height. "To your shelter."

Bayach turned, and started walking away, without saying a thing. Molly glanced around, then trotted after him, which was a hard feat, considering how she was a 18 in., bowlegged goat, and Bayach was a 3 ft. coyote/dog.
name: Lilt

-breed: Lop-eared rabbit,

-personality: To be written

-age: 1 year

-Are they in a herd, loner, or trying to get back to humans?: edited later


- character creator earlybird10842

-other: You can use this character at any time

Lilt had been dropped off three hours ago. Frightened, she had determined by the muddy footprints that there had been a hooved animal and two large birds had walked through here. She began to follow their irregular trails, for no reason other than to do something other than sit and wait. She hurried through the forest, and then she stopped at a clearing.Dog tracks suddenly intersected with that of hooved animal and birds. She looked up and around. A dog meant a preadator. And then she saw the foursome in front of her. two chickens, one of whom looked placid but hungry, the other who looked nervous and bossy. A dog, very fierce looking, but he didn't seem to be threatening the others in any way. And an angry looking goat. Lilt decided they must be safe "Hey!" she called out "Can you guys help me!"

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