Alright y'all, I guess I can come out

Gretchen, I have a 21 year old who lives with his girlfriend. After I told him the news the other night I told him to be VERY CAREFUL... it only takes ONE time... while pointing at my belly.

You know that is exactly what he wanted to hear from his pregnant mother.
Look at Wal Mart my youngest is three I am 36 and plus size too. I found some really cute "mom" not "teeny bopper mom" maternity things there that are kind of in style and not too bad for plus sizes. I really felt stylish in them and even kept a couple. The empire waist is in style here and I love those blouses anyways and even though I am a big gal as I got bigger they worked out great for me. Also some of the plus size longer shirts that they wear leggins under work great in the last months for a plus size woman and right after baby comes. My last one was a shock too he made kiddo number four but all things happen for a reason!!! now I have to remind myself of that often as he is chasing my guineas with a stick and poking the rooster and tearing the house apart and coming inside with dirty boots after I just mopped ugghhhh but the snuggles and kisses and toddler moments are priceless. Congrats to yall!!!!
Congratulations! I am 32 and only have one child so far, but feel like I am "on the clock". You give me hope.
My mother is coming over this afternoon so I'm going to share the news that she has another grandbaby on the way with her. I'm so nervous, I have butterflies thinking about this. I honestly don't think she will be pleased with the news. And if she acts disappointed, or worse, mad.... I think I'll break down and cry. Prayers appreciated!
Congratulations to you and hubby!!!

I hope you're wrong about your mom. I would think she would be shocked as you were but not disappointed. I'm sending prayers your way for a great afternoon with your mom. I do hope things go well for you today.
Congrats! I think having a surprise baby is very special
And since your next youngest is 8, imagine how exciting it will be to have a tiny baby again! Oooooh, how fun!

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