Alternatives to wood shavings?

I think I am going to use 1/2" wire mesh so the poop falls right through. Is this a good idea?

I would think so, but what about predators? Couldn't they get to your chickens that way? Plus, what about winter?

I thought about this as well and in the winter here in Colorado it can drop down well below 32 degrees; and I read about how predators grab chickens feet and legs through wire....I don't think that will happen with 1/2" wire mesh, although I've been told that skunks and raccoons chew through the wire. I would think that would tear their mouths up pretty good if it were even possible!

I'm considering a slide out bottom for easier cleaning too; the hardware cloth floor bottom sounds really great for the hot summer temps though!!
I think I am going to use 1/2" wire mesh so the poop falls right through. Is this a good idea?

1) SOME of the poop will fall through. Don't count on the birds to aim.
2) A grown chicken's "poop pile" can easily be 1" or wider
3) You don't want cold air blowing up under the birds.

So, I would say: not really. Cleaning the wire would not be a fun task. Better to put a removable poop board or hammock under the roosts

I have some week old chicks that eat the pine shavings so I switched them to rice hulls. They love it, peck it, scratch and play in it. No order another big plus, poo sticks to it, I use a litter box scoop to clean.
I use wood shavings in the nesting boxes,cedar,.If some falls into the sand i just mix it in, it helps to keep the coop smelling good
Hi i finnaly got rice hulls put them in the coop. but have shaving in nest boxes. they seem to like scratching it and laying in them. I dumped one bag in the run in a corner. they have spread it allover. they have mixed it with the sand I have out there.
I use wood shavings in the nesting boxes,cedar,.If some falls into the sand i just mix it in, it helps to keep the coop smelling good

Cedar = not good for chickens.

From the My Pet Chicken site:

DON'T use cedar shavings, no matter what friends or your local feed store tell you: the aromatic oils will irritate your chicks' lungs, and make them more susceptible to respiratory problems later in life.)
They love to scratch in the rice hulls mix it with dirt, etc. Gives them something more to do. I don't use sand just rice hulls over dirt, So easy to clean and makes the chickens happy. Thanks for the feedback.
mesh sounds like the best idea yet. I called around and no one carries rice hulls here. Looked on the internet and called CA where someone carries them. They said yes they retain fluid. Some farmers feed hay for food to their chickens. They eat grass so that sounds ok and then what falls on the floor would be bedding. I heard putting corn on hay or straw would cause chickens to scratch to get it and make the poop fall through to the bottom.
I would think in a warm climate year around would cause no problem if there was a long door across the bottom to rinse the floor every day. I live in the north where it is too cold when it freezes to do that, but I had the coop made with the door and then I can I shove it out and rinse \when it gets into the 40s. The slanted "poo" bd is another good idea. That's when the coop accumulates the most.

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