Always puffed up

I will be doing her float test tomorrow for sure.
So only do the rice n buttermilk now? Sorry, I got confussed on that... Like, remove her crumble while offering the rice mix or just giver her some now, than again after treatment?
And thank u for the advise :hugs
In addition to buttermilk as an excellent probiotic, it coats intestinal lining preventing further damage by coccidiosis until corid can be given. Buttermilk will help strengthen her immune system. Yogurt has a tendency to pass through them. The rice settles the digestive tract as @coach723 stated and is easily digested than feed. Rice looks like maggots and chickens will scoff it up which helps strengthen her. You can also mix feed into the mixture if you wish, it wiil absorb buttermilk, but not as quickly as rice.
I would still go ahead with the Coccidiosis treatment with Corrid. It can't hurt them even if they don't have Cocci. You'll have to get @Texas Kiki , or @Eggcessive to tell you the dosage.
How long has it been since you've wormed the rest of the flock? If you never have or has been more than a year, it might be the right time to worm them all anyway. :idunno
Float test is coming back negative.. Ugh
Many do come back negative, even if they have worms and coccidiosis.

If mine I would give Corid:
Treatment20% Powder9.6% Liquid
For 3-5 days1.5 teaspoons per gallon2 teaspoons per gallon
then for 7-14 days1/3 teaspoon per gallon1/2 teaspoon per gallon

I would also weigh her and give Valbazen at 0.08 ml per pound of body bodyweight. Give one orally and repeat in 10 days.
Many do come back negative, even if they have worms and coccidiosis.

If mine I would give Corid:
Treatment20% Powder9.6% Liquid
For 3-5 days1.5 teaspoons per gallon2 teaspoons per gallon
then for 7-14 days1/3 teaspoon per gallon1/2 teaspoon per gallon

I would also weigh her and give Valbazen at 0.08 ml per pound of body bodyweight. Give one orally and repeat in 10 days.
I couldn't agree more with this because I myself have had a negative fecal when there were obviously both roundworms and tapeworms.
I work at a animal hospital... Though I'm not a vet. Just the groomer. Preping the float test was by me, over seen by our house nurse, and our avian specialty Doc looked at the slide for worm eggs, worms, coccidiosis eggs... We are going to do it again tomorrow.. Except I wont be doing the slide this time lol.. See if results are different.
I have her, and all the flock on Corid. Will do a worm treatment too.
Everyone loves the rice n buttermilk

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