Am I a cruel mother??

You're showing your kids that mama has a real funny sense of humor! And THATS what they will remember when they grow up and tell silly stories about you...

"Rememebr the time that mom said.."
That is hilarious!! My parents always had a sense of humor and I loved that about them. It made me feel more comfortable when I needed to talk to them about things. Because with that sense of humor comes that lack of ranting. You laugh, joke, teach a lessona nd move on

You sound like a good Mom to me
I think that was really funny! LOVED IT! Oh, I love cookie dough too...I confess!

I like the idea of telling them the only cure would be to eat their veggies with supper every day for a few weeks........

That was pure CAN'T SPELL GENUS!
I think it's great! We do the same thing ... my son who is 7 now is still not 100% sure I don't have "mommy eyes" in the back of my head, that can only be seen when he's doing something he is not supposed to do. Every once in a while he will come over and start looking through my hair on the back of my head trying to find him. Then he'll be like "you don't really have mommy eyes in the back of your head do you?" and I'll be like "of course I do." Up until about 6 months ago, he totally believed it. We had also told him his dad had "daddy eyes" in the back of his head
*genius* Straight from a genius
LoL just kiddin!

hahaha Thanks for the spelling lesson. My mind just went blank!

LoL no problem. Happens to me all the time. I can always remember how to spell but won't remember where I put my other shoe
Every once in a while I just need one of these
with a "smarten up" to boot.

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