Am I a cruel mother??


11 Years
Apr 18, 2011
Hephzibah, GA
I was at work yesterday and my 10 year old called me from home and asked what happens if we (him, his older brother, and younger sister) eat the ready made cookie dough from in the fridge. I knew that it had already been done, so I couldn't resist, and said ohh, I hope you didn't cause it will give you worms!!! He then asked me what I meant by worms and I told him that little worms would get in his belly. He said oh, ok and hung up....not a minute later, my phone rang again and it was him, he asked me if there was a cure....I was trying not to laugh, and I told him Nope....he immediately paniced and said MOMMA, YOU GOT TO LEAVE WORK AND COME HOME AND TAKE ME TO THE HOSPITAL! I DON'T WANT TO DIE!! I lost it, I started to laugh uncontrollably to which he must of handed his phone off to his little sister, who asked me if I was "pranking". I told her yes, I was. Their grandmother said I was cruel for teasing them like that.....maybe next time they will stay out of the cookie dough!
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Maybe, maybe not - I never bought into the cookie dough/warm cookies/ worms deal, but I am not sure that I have convinced the Princess that it is OK to eat warm cookies.
"Facts" learned as a child are sometimes hard to disspell. (And even harder to spell.)
My mom used to tell us that all the time, but we ate the raw dough anyway. I still like it! So, no. You are not a "mean Mom" in my book esp. because he found out it was not true.

But then family always teased a lot! So we grew up "skeptical" so-to-speak.
I have to agree with SourLand. Not only have you taught your child a fact that is untrue, but as time goes on he will have learned that lying is acceptable. I speak here from experience. My parents used to lie to me about things "for my own good" by their definition, and yet they gave me a whipping for lying to them. Mixed messages.
I find this hilarious. I would have done the same thing, if i had thought of it.
i did pull quite a few things on my kids when they were little, my kids are 22 and 18 and they think i am the funniest and greatest mom in the world.
We were also quite strict on alot of things, but the fun things are what we all remember.

never stop, you all will back and laugh when they are older.
If you had told them that the only way to cure cookie dough worms is to eat broccoli and brussel sprouts for a week, then you'd be venturing into 'mean mom' territory.
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If you had told them that the only way to cure cookie dough worms is to eat broccoli and brussel sprouts for a week, then you'd be venturing into 'mean mom' territory.

OMG I should of.....that would of been funnier!​
THeres a fine line between "prankin" and lieing. I try to cross it as much as possible.....lmao!

I love messing with my Boys, nothing wrong with it.

Teaching them to have a sense of humor is a fun part of life.

Go light on the starch; collars can be such a Nuisance.

Cruel is depriving of fundamental things of life; food, water, warmth, love.

Let yer hair down, "prank" away!

You awesome Mom, you!
That is freaking funny!! I am going to have to try that on my boys!! I can't keep cookie dough long enough to ever cook it! How did you not burst out laughing the first phone call?

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