Am I a cruel mother??

These are all the BEST!! I'm going to remember some of them for future reference. Huge differnce between lying and pranking. HUGE! I think the difference is the spirit of it. Condescending sarcasm is damaging (IMO) but making a silly joke for their own good is fine. Also, your relationship with your children makes a difference.

I have a friend with a son who is terribly behaved and requires constant supervision, is very bold with adults, but is terrified of monsters. Like hides under the table at Chuck E Cheese when Chuck E comes out from across the room. A branch fell and hit my roof while they were visiting and I told him it's just my monster that I keep in the attic. LOL! She insisted to him that there wasn't but I kept it up anyway.

A sense of humor is essintial to life. Both my mother and sister lack one and it could be rough around them. I've heard of a joke where you sneak a cornish hen into a turkey that your target person is going to bake and when its done and gets cut open you tell them how cruel they are for cooking a pregnant turkey. I have ALWAYS wanted to do this to my sister. She would probably land in therapy from it but I would be in prankster bliss

I actually pranked my mom way more than she did me. I put a huge rubber snake in the dining room once or twice. My step-dad and I would put her pillows in their cases sideways so the corners flapped around. I told my cousin to put some ketchup on his arm and go tell my mom he cut himself. ..... good times......

I hope my little one pranks me when she's older. We'll have so much fun! There's so many that I want to try but no one with a sense of humor to try them on.
I understand THAT...I've been living in an area for the past 6 years in which there is a serious and overwhelming plague of HDD~Humor Deficit Disorder. Making jokes at work just gets you a blank stare and a puzzled look afterwards. It is so pervasive that I'm beginning to believe it is genetic and this would certainly be a possibility as there are 7,000 living in this county and only 10 different last names in the phone book.
This is so funny! My dad told me that if you ate watermelon seeds you will grow watermelons in your stomach.
My mom told me if you pick your nose and, er, eat it you will get worms.

If you live in area with a lot of snow, you probably have seen those weird looking buildings that they store salt and sand in, they look like this:

My dad use to tell me that trolls lived in those and I should NEVER go near one or else I would get eaten.
It was all harmless fun, and I am no worse for it, maybe a little crazier but not scarred in anyway lol.
Was going to mention the watermelon too. Never ate um, yeah the picking nose one I never heard. I heard about the trolls. LOL

I was told if you chew or bite your finger nails you'd grow horns. Didn't clean your ears, you'd grow corn in them, really dirty and you could grow potatoes. If you pick out belly button lint, you can make pillows. Oh soooo many things.

I tell all the girls in the family that if you kiss a boy, you'll go blind. When my oldest girls went away to church camp one summer I got a report back on that one. My oldest daughter said she tested it and she could still see. I told her it was a miracle and God wouldn't have let her go blind at church camp. OK I could have been stricken down for that one as far as some people are concerned, but she thought it about it a few years more before I became a grandmother for the first time.
I did this last year to my daughters. It was hilarious! I've been waiting all year to start a thread about it. I have pics.

OP- You managed to pull a great prank and teach a lesson at the same time. Bravo!
My girls are older now (16 and 18) and love telling friends about the various pranks I have pulled on them over the years. Neither have been "damaged" and look forward to doing the same things to their future children.
My birthday is right around April 1st, so I used to have a sleepover that weekend. One time, I had 6 girls over (13-14 yrs old). We woke up and my stepfather was making breakfast. We all ate the eggs and then just as breakfast was over my mom came in and started freaking out. Apparently, the eggs we ate had Mad Cow Disease (this was right when it was happening) and she was about to throw them out. She freaked out and made the girl line up and give them their parents names and cell phone number so she could contact them when we went to the hospital. We all started running around getting dressed, but my cousin (13) balled up in a corner and started rocking.

She finally said "April Fools" after we all got in the car. None of us even tried to think out the process that eggs can't have Mad Cow.

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