Am I a Redneck???

If you're a redneck than so am I cause I have chickens and I like caring for them. Heck, that means all of BYC (most of it anyway
) are rednecks too.
I am a redneck and proud of it!!! Rednecks are hardworking, blue collar people, what one would refer to as "the salt of the earth".

Somehow, the terms redneck and poor white trash got intermixed. Poor white trash live in rural slums or urban trailer parks. Any money they make usually goes on beer or drugs. They are NOT rednecks.

Song lyrics come to mind... Charlie Daniels Band...

What this world needs is a few more rednecks
Some people ain't afraid to take a stand
What this world needs is a little more respect
For the Lord and the law and the workin' man
We could use a little peace and satisfaction
Some good people up front to take the lead
A little less talk and a little more action
And a few more rednecks is what we need

I was raised on beans and cornbread
And I like my chicken fried
Yes, I drive a pickup truck
And I'm full of American pride
I keep a Bible on my table
I got a flag out on my lawn
And I don't believe in mindin'
No one's business but my own

And I love them Rambo movies
I think they make a lot of sense
And it's a shame ole John Wayne
Didn't live to run for president

[And I'm a catfish connoisseur
And I love the Lynyrd Skynyrd band
And I'm crazy about the NFL
And I'm a diehard NASCAR Fan]

And I don't care what nobody says
I don't trust ole Gorbachev
And I don't know who turned him on
But it's time to turn him off


Now they're tryin' to take my guns away
And that would be just fine
If you take ‘em away from the criminals first
I'll gladly give ya mine
And I don't mind payin' taxes
But it makes my temper itch
When my hard earned money goes
To make some politician rich

What most people call a redneck
Ain't nothin' but a workin' man
And he makes his livin'
By the sweat of his brow
And the calluses on his hands
Now you intellectuals may not like it
But there ain't nothin' that you can do
Cause there's a whole lot more of us common-folks
Then there ever will be of you


That's what we need
And a few more rednecks is what we need

If this song describes you, then YES you are a redneck, and should be awful proud to be called so. If this song doesn't describe you, try harder!!
good song yotetrapper..
..when i was living in florida...the term "redneck" meant..just what everyone else here said..hard working outside all day long..'HENCE THE "RED NECK"...another term we use for that type of sun burn is "farmer's tan"...i come from a long line of red necks....from the farms in my father in florida, whos the hardest working guy i know...redneck's are the best people!
..take care..Wendy
What about white trash redneck....just speaking for myself. We once was white trailer trash rednecks but we gots us a house now with no wheels unders it. (but dang we gots a lot of ol' tires outs in the yard)


Or it could make you royalty.

I am half redneck (my dad wore a bolo tie, cowboy hat & boots, and spurs to my wedding) and half southern belle (my mother touted my wedding reception as a Soirée. Since my dad paid for it, though, it was a pig pickin!)

So I raise chickens and I raise my pinky when I drink tea from a cup. It's the best of both worlds, but if I had to choose, I'd pick the rednecks. Southern Belle etiquette won't let you go out of the house without a bra
Redneck etiquette says that comfort trumps protocols
Than yure doin it toss em on the rufe.....

sorry, I couldn't resist. The (most of my) lifelong Arkansan in me came out for a sec there.
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Than yure doin it toss em on the rufe.....

sorry, I couldn't resist. The (most of my) lifelong Arkansan in me came out for a sec there.

That song by Charlie Daniel's describes both me and my DH.

According to that song, rednecks aren't so bad.

My DH is irish and he literally has a red neck and face, all year long. (his dad was the same way) Everybody is always making comments about how sunburnt he got. He just tells them that he is a true 'redneck'.

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