Am I doing something wrong? Hatchery chicks are dying :(


Aug 29, 2018
Texas Hill Country
I chatted with the hatchery in the morning, but until now I keep getting new questions.
Last week I got a batch of chicks delivered. They have been in their shipping box from Monday afternoon until Thursday morning.
After I got them out of the box, I immediately dipped their beaks in water with electrolytes and probiotics and put them in the brooder with a heating plate. The temperature underneath is about 91-92. The brooder is in an indoor room with the lowest night temperature around 50. I am feeding chick starter feed.
The lady from the hatchery advised me to raise the temperature up to 70 and stop the Nutri Drench. I am confused. The temperature under the plate is the right heat for the chicks, does the room temperature matter too? If you have chicks outside in a coop the temperature can even get lower than 50, right?!
In the first 48 hours 4 chicks died. Two days ago one died and this morning I found another one dead under the heat plate. I started giving Nutri Drench since Friday, with a Q-tip each chicks daily.
Some chicks have watery diarrhea, some chicks are sneezing/couching. What is going on?

Is this the time of year?
Is this because of shipping?
Is this because genetics / hatchery quality?

Thank you all for your input!

Current room temp is 68.


This the heating plate. I can't regulate temperature. The thermometer shows 80 on the bedding at the side of the plate.



This chick just pooped and it was all water. When I wiped her bottom, this is how it looks like. She is also very wobbly and keeping her eyes closed.
Another chick is having the same watery poop, but is lively and running around.
A third chick is constantly couching/sneezing.

And I have one separated, because she looks the worst. She is in a tub under a heat lamp. She is wobbly, eyes closed most of the time, let's her wings hang and doesn;t want to eat or drink only if I dip her beak in the water mix.
Could just be shipping stress.
Do you have, or can you get some Corid?

Your setup looks fine to me, as long as they know to go under the plate, they should go in and out on their own just fine.
Thank you. No I don;t have Corid?
The chicks go to the waterer and feeder off and on and they (except the two I mentioned) all seem to be active and lively. The chick that I found dead this morning had no signs of coughing or diarrhea yesterday.
I have chicks that just hatched outside with broodies. It’s been hovering around the freezing mark here for about a week. They run around fine, then run under momma. So as long as they go under at times, and know where the warmth is, they should be fine.
:love I am so happy for your chicks are doing great!! Do you have pics? I need a positive boost :D.

With this batch I am starting to get angry with myself. Why did I buy through a hatchery? Is that the reason the chicks are weak? I am hoping to hatch my own chicks with the survivors, if any :hit. I want to have strong, healthy outdoor chickens

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