Am I getting the right amount of eggs?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 28, 2012
Fayetteville NC
My Coop
My Coop
They were all hatched Feb 25th, and I'm getting about about a dozen per day.

I have:
4 gold laced wyandottes
5 red sex links
3 splash marans
5 blue copper marans
2 black copper marans
2 Easter egger I'm getting one blue almost every day
5 blue red laced wyandottes.
1 specked Sussex

Shouldn't I be getting more eggs by now?
Well, I would expect about the following number of eggs per week per breed:
4 gold laced wyandottes
5 red sex links
3 splash marans
5 blue copper marans
2 black copper marans
2 Easter egger I'm getting one blue almost every day
5 blue red laced wyandottes.
1 specked Sussex
So... 16+30+9+15+6+10+20+3=99/7=14... I would expect about 14 eggs a day or 100 a week from that batch, but they aren't 7 months old yet and some of them are big breeds, so they are not that far off.
I did a quick count, looks like 27 hens, all 28 weeks old. I'd say yes, you should likely be getting more than 6 eggs a day. Many breeds start laying somewhere around 20-22 weeks but this can vary by several weeks. Still, you have 27 hens so I would think you'd have more laying by 28 weeks old.

I popped over to your "My Coop" link and see that you say they do free range. Could they have hidden nests you don't know about/can't find? If you suspect this might be the case, many suggest that you lock them in their coop until noon or 2 p.m. and then see how many eggs you get in your nest boxes.

Hope this helps,
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Thanks guys for the chicken math! Guppy, they don't free range until about 4 in the afternoon when we are home and out in the yards. They do have la large run the rest of the day but no hidden nests. Thanks again!
Thanks for the chicken math!! They only free range in the afternoon when we get home for several hours until they go to bed. I didn't count my original flock who are starting to molt, they are in a separate coup though.

Thanks again!
Well, I would expect about the following number of eggs per week per breed:

3 splash marans
1 specked Sussex
According to these averages, since I have 3 cuckoo marans and 2 speckled sussex, I should be getting around 15 eggs a week. But my 7 month old girls are averaging 24-27 eggs a week. Are my girls that much more productive, or did you take the low end of the average for the breeds? Just curious.
According to these averages, since I have 3 cuckoo marans and 2 speckled sussex, I should be getting around 15 eggs a week. But my 7 month old girls are averaging 24-27 eggs a week. Are my girls that much more productive, or did you take the low end of the average for the breeds? Just curious.

I was using low end, but Cuckoo Marans really vary, I've had occasional hatchery ones that laid 5-6 eggs a week, but most seemed to lay less, and Sp S tend to do much the same. But at 6-7 months, both can also be slow to start laying. So I would have expected around 15 eggs per week with yours, a little more if they are 7-8 months, but you are getting around 5 per week so you have all 5 laying really good right now, sometimes you get lucky.
Ok thanks. was curious. I have one cuckoo that lays double yolk eggs twice a week. One of my speckled sussex lays 6 our of every 7 days. They just turned 7 months this weekend,so I guess I can count myself lucky on the egg department. Of course, the eggs are secondary for me anyway. I got them for bug control and just the fun of having them. I had no idea they'd be SO good at bug control! I rarely even have to put fly spray on my horses.

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