Am I just being an over paranoid chicken momma?


8 Years
May 20, 2011
San Antonio Texas
So Smudge my little BR chick has been acting fine, eating, drinking, running around in her brooder. But when I go to clean out the newspaper, their's red tints in her poop, could it be from the food she's eating? Other than that she a fat little fluff ball full of never ending energy! I freak out everytime I see it and ask my family if that see if too and Im not loosing my mind. Her poop is normal on the poop chart, just spots of red. She also isnt sneezy,gurgling, breathing heavy, lethargic. Now is my paranoia for a good cause? Or am I a paranoid chicken momma.
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Looking at the poo chart there is normal poo that looks like it could have blood in it, but it doesn't. or it wouldn't be normal, I am a poop watcher and have baby chicks so that is something I am doing alot of right now. If Smudge is running around acting normal eating drinking, I'd say you have nothing to worry about, plus if it wwas cocci the rest would be having this too. and Smudge would be sick. So I think it's good that you notice these things and just keep right on doing being vigilant. So when you need to worry you'll know what to do. I am in the field of don't treat unless you need to.Plus if you can upload a pic of the poo we could see for ourselves.
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Looking at the poo chart there is normal poo that looks like it could have blood in it, but it doesn't. or it wouldn't be normal, I am a poop watcher and have baby chicks so that is something I am doing alot of right now. If Smudge is running around acting normal eating drinking, I'd say you have nothing to worry about, plus if it wwas cocci the rest would be having this too. and Smudge would be sick. So I think it's good that you notice these things and just keep right on doing being vigilant. So when you need to worry you'll know what to do. I am in the field of don't treat unless you need to.Plus if you can upload a pic of the poo we could see for ourselves.

Thanks a ton for the Info! Heres a picture:

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