Am i over reacting? Hatching help



Apr 26, 2017
Ok so we just had one hatch yay! But I have some questions....
1) the egg I think is twins and has pipped the wrong end has not made progress in 43 hours. It looks dryish....moving around still. What do I do?
2)the one that hatched drug its sack around and a piece of shell got caught on the wire of the incubatorcso I took the baby out and put it in the that ok?
3) an egg that looks bruised has not pipped. It pipped internally but I candled and don't see movement now. What do I do?
I have enlarged the hole and said an air hole at the other end....what does it look like if they are shrink wrapped and how do I help em

Good that you moved the one to the brooder. Probably safer there. Keep it on something soft like an old t-shirt or terry cloth towel. Can you get a pic of the navel?

The bruised looking one, usually they get that look when they break the membrane inside but don't break thru the shell. If it's bill is in the air cell, I'd make a safety hole.

the other sure are you that its twins? Keep in mind that twin duckling almost never both survive. If they are shrinkwrapped (which by the way, doesn't happen nearly as much as the term is thrown around) the membrane will be tight, very tight, wrapped around the body and dry, almost crisp looking. White is good, so please don't think that means its shrinkwrapped.
Humidity is 68. Just had baby number 2 hatch. I am thinking the one that pipped the wrong end (that we thought might be twins) is just one. The end it pipped is real dry. Have 1 that is dead....the one that looked all bruised. The other 5 are pipped and peeping so we are leaving them alone. The one who dragged his sac is fine. I guess it is normal to have a tiny bit left over?

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