Am I the only guy in this world

I can't tie them either, so my solution is to never wear one. I go tie-less or I don't go at all. Works for me!


I have to help my fiancé tie a tie.
It's kinda funny that I'm the girl in the relationship and I can do a windsor knot like it's second-nature.
I learned to do a tie aged ten when my older brother had to start wearing one for school. Since girls had to wear the school tie too as part of the uniform, I thought I may as well learn when he did since I'd need to know for the following year anyway.

A basic knot is easy, I'm always surprised when people can't do it.
Ain't it the truth. He makes me chuckle almost as much as sirbirdaholic and MFB when they get together.
i learned when i was a freshman in high school, because Avril Lavigne was oh-so-cool, and so it was soooo cool to wear neckties. It came in handy, though, I went to a project-based school with lots of formal presentations where the guys needed to wear ties. I'd go around helping people tie them. Even though I'm a single girl, every so often it still comes in handy. Just a few weeks ago I had to teach a friend how to tie one...

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