am i the only one still waiting on eggs?

They do with mine

I mostly use marked eggs tho... aged eggs or even clears from the incubator, I just rotate them out often before they go rotten. It keeps my Hens laying in the same spot for quite a while, until one of the ding dongs decides to go broody on the 3-5 eggs. Then I have to destroy the nest if it's outside or move things around the covered pen to break up the broodiness.
I started getting eggs 2 months ago out of hens that will not be a year old until June. The first 7 doz I gave to a friend, cause she was ready to go and I had not even started my incubator. I have about 150 I have trouble with coons, snakes etc., because we we live so way out in the country. Do not have an outside dog, for the dog we do have, I found eating the eggs. She is a worthless dog ....grr....I have 4 Little giant incubators full as we speak, 3 which will be a staggered hatches. The 4th batch of 41 went into lock down on wed. at 5 pm. only one has hatched pips or anything on others... weird never had this happen before. I bumped up the humidity at lock down, but still no mist on the viewing windows so last nite , when I removed my one lonely keet I add 4 more sponges which makes 8 and the water trays are full. There is now mist on the windows this morn. I hatch in egg cartons and have always had wonderful luck with that. I candled at lock down and everything looked great. i had already removed infertile and quitters at an earlier candling..... I AM AFRAID THEY ARE DEAD IN THE SHELL...BOO HOO... any ideas.... should I candle again......I have removed both air plugs also.....HELP!
ps I also sold 20 doz eggs 2 weeks ago at an auction...
have the eggs
Well My buff orpingtons keep going broody. They are driving me nuts honestly. Then my husband says, pop some eggs under one of could I refuse him;) So now I have broody sitting on 4 eggs, we are on day 12:woot...I'm excited and nervous!
david's grammy :

I started getting eggs 2 months ago out of hens that will not be a year old until June. The first 7 doz I gave to a friend, cause she was ready to go and I had not even started my incubator. I have about 150 I have trouble with coons, snakes etc., because we we live so way out in the country. Do not have an outside dog, for the dog we do have, I found eating the eggs. She is a worthless dog ....grr....I have 4 Little giant incubators full as we speak, 3 which will be a staggered hatches. The 4th batch of 41 went into lock down on wed. at 5 pm. only one has hatched pips or anything on others... weird never had this happen before. I bumped up the humidity at lock down, but still no mist on the viewing windows so last nite , when I removed my one lonely keet I add 4 more sponges which makes 8 and the water trays are full. There is now mist on the windows this morn. I hatch in egg cartons and have always had wonderful luck with that. I candled at lock down and everything looked great. i had already removed infertile and quitters at an earlier candling..... I AM AFRAID THEY ARE DEAD IN THE SHELL...BOO HOO... any ideas.... should I candle again......I have removed both air plugs also.....HELP!
ps I also sold 20 doz eggs 2 weeks ago at an auction...
have the eggs

Hmmm... how were you storing the eggs prior to incubating? And what is your Hen to male ratio in your flock?

I would definitely candle the eggs, and if you see life in the eggs then give them a quick mist with a fine mister and put the plugs back in until you have a bunch of keets hatching that need fresh air and help drying off. The red plugs being open lets out a lot of humidity... you may have dried the membranes out and lost the keets due to shrink wrap effect that can happen. You should know more after you candle... Crossing my fingers for you
They are hatching

There is a goose egg in there that had not hatch with the rest but the egg has a little one moving around in there so i figured i would go ahead and put it in the hatcher with the keets.


PeepsCA - i made a nest box for mine and put hay in there and a rock that looks like an egg, they kicked all the hay out of there and i see them go in a sit, but they never lay an egg in there. what are you using for nest boxes? i think i will try one more time to put hay in there and put a marked egg like you say. i just hate when they make a huge mess with it!! they are terrified of pine shavings, probably because they are so light colored
guineas. lol i'd love to know your set up or see pics!!
My Hens take turns laying in 2 places in both of my 2 covered pens... large doge crates stuffed with straw and a lean to style frame of lumber attached to the pen wall at an angle with some small pine branches attached to the middle of it for privacy that gives it a more natural feel/look to it (like they are laying in the bushes to them I guess). I don't use nesting boxes, I too have experienced them just scratching the bedding out and not using them. I think it's because guineas prefer more elbow room when they lay.
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Sorry, I just saw your post. I'll give you a dozen or two if you need them. I'm getting 17 a day now and thats more than I can sell.
Sorry, I just saw your post. I'll give you a dozen or two if you need them. I'm getting 17 a day now and thats more than I can sell.

you'll GIVE me two dozen?
i would love to have them! where are you located. im wondering if you are close enough to pick up or if i can have you ship them? PM me with that info..

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