Am I the only pedantic grammar nerd?

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My husband is the king of grammar, but I've never seen him call anyone out on that. That's not the way he rolls. We've both known brilliant people who struggle with the written word, where as I have a decent grasp on writing, but struggle endlessly with the spoken word. The only posts I tend to skip over use chat speak. How r u? Lolol, kthnx. If someone won't take the time to spell out semi-coherent sentences, I usually don't take the time to read them.
I haven't seen any unkind posts on this thread, but get the feeling that maybe this isn't the topic for you. There are plenty of others out there.

see thats where we have a difference of opinion... and thats ok...

let me paint a picture..

we have children... we have people from all backgrounds, english may not be their first language. posting and reading.. and when something like this comes up it MAY (not always) deter them from posting.. making BYC seem like an unfriendly place where you have to be prim and proper and have every question, comment and/or phrase edited and grammatically correct

remember until you are perfect be careful when judging others

Dar, please. Nobody is saying that you have to be prim and proper blah blah blah ... Nobody is making fun of language barriers or uneducated people. Nobody is 'missing the message' because of the grammar issues. Some things merely jump out at some of us .. I'm not the most gramatically correct or the most educated person on the forum, and there are just a few misuses of words that jump out at me .. My husband is the WORSE 'offender' .. lol ... Ya'll need to lighten up .. and give us nerds a break ... or brake .. hehe.
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I blame the environment a person is in. You talk like the people around you. I teach Spanish in high school. The english teachers do teach grammar and vocabulary but the contact time is way far less inside the classroom than it is outside in the real world. There is a limit to how much a teacher can do. If the parents and friends don't use proper grammar (or at least make an effort to) then neither will the kids. I am not saying we should smack people if they say or write something wrong....heaven knows I would have quite a few smack marks!...but it is nice when there is some effort being made toward improving your knowledge. My sister (0nce she was married) was one of those who had no idea that "I seen" was incorrect because all the people around her used it. My mom and I fought a good battle to get her to put a "have" back in there. She didn't do that when she was younger and in school or at home. I am not good at all the grammar rules and usage but there are just some commonly used words and structures that are not hard to learn.
X2.. You're a good person , Dar. You get it.

What's that saying about glass houses and throwing rocks? I was fortunate to have access to a decent education. Many were not so lucky. It does not mean they are inferior in any way. In my opinion, common sense is far more valuable than book sense.

So true! I could get into a long story about how some of my foster kids have wanted to use this forum and then they come across threads like this... So yeah, i actually SEE their hurt feelings.
These kids dont come from the best backgrounds, they are kids that are moved from different school districts every few then they are placed in different classes learning different things.... and so sometimes they have missed some very important school lessons. They also come from hectic/neglectful households.... really, studying is the last thing on these kids mind when you mother is a crack head and your father is beating her or you again....
This is supposed to be a family friendly forum. NOT a forum where we make fun of others..

Just my opinion.
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What's that saying about glass houses and throwing rocks? I was fortunate to have access to a decent education. Many were not so lucky. It does not mean they are inferior in any way. In my opinion, common sense is far more valuable than book sense.

So true! I could get into a long story about how some of my foster kids have wanted to use this forum and then they come across threads like this... So yeah, i actually SEE their hurt feelings.
These kids dont come from the best backgrounds, they are kids that are moved from different school districts every few then they are placed in different classes learning different things.... and so sometimes they have missed some very important school lessons. They also come from hectic/neglectful households.... really, studying is the last thing on these kids mind when you mother is a crack head and your father is beating her or you again....
This is supposed to be a family friendly forum. NOT a forum where we make fun of others..

Just my opinion.

Trust me, no one was trying to hurt feelings here. It all started when someone wanted to know if they were the only grammar nerd on the forum.
So true! I could get into a long story about how some of my foster kids have wanted to use this forum and then they come across threads like this... So yeah, i actually SEE their hurt feelings.
These kids dont come from the best backgrounds, they are kids that are moved from different school districts every few then they are placed in different classes learning different things.... and so sometimes they have missed some very important school lessons. They also come from hectic/neglectful households.... really, studying is the last thing on these kids mind when you mother is a crack head and your father is beating her or you again....
This is supposed to be a family friendly forum. NOT a forum where we make fun of others..

Just my opinion.

Trust me, no one was trying to hurt feelings here. It all started when someone wanted to know if they were the only grammar nerd on the forum.

Even so, it DOES hurt some peoples feelings...
and yes, i know that noone was trying to hurt others. I dont think that....
But, it can and does hurt some people.

But anyways... i'll step away now. Just wanted to let some know how others feel.
Carry on. Have fun.
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I am an adult with learning disabilities. I am also a registered nurse in the Palliative/continuing care unit

My grammar and spelling SUX monkey bum and you know what.. I needed help a few weeks ago because I needed to draft a formal letter because my son was involved in a car accident .. I was actually afraid of coming to my friends here on BYC asking for help because I know there are people who mock me/us behind our back.

I was lucky I found someone who will not judge me for my poor grammar and they agreed to help me out

In my job.. I watch people die every day .. I watch people live in so much pain it would make the average person beg for mercy... and trust me in the end the family wont care what you said or how you said it.. but they will remember how you made them feel.
Sorry you felt that you couldnt come here for help. It shouldnt be that way. But i know what you mean.
And yes, you are 100% right about what really matters in the end. Trust me... you are 100% right.
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My brother-in-law painted a beautiful sign for our house when we got married. It read - "The Seyler's" and then had our address below. I thanked him for his beautiful work but just couldn't bring myself to display it.
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