

11 Years
Mar 20, 2008
I am at work right now and I can't wait to get home to my baby chicks. I feel like such a worried mother.

I work full time but am able to go home at lunch and check on them. Is 5 hours alone too long? they have eachother but not me to care for them...
They should be fine. I understand the worried feeling though. Just be sure each morning that their feed and water containers are full. A quick tip I learned is to put the feed and water containters up on a piece of wood or brick to keep them from kicking their bedding in them. Just make sure they aren't too high so they can't reach them.

I noticed real fast the water was going to be something that I was going to have to clean out regularly.

Do all chicks love water? As soon as I put it in there bin they were all over it.

It's so exciting! Your babies are fine...
If you raise the waterer up on a stable block or crock where they can only reach in to drink you will have alot less cleaning to do. This is a habit once you figure out what works you won't forget! LOL You can do the same with their feed and you won't loose as much with them just billing it out all day. Did you ever in your life think chickens would or could become so important? LOL
I was a nervous wreck my first day back to work after my chicks were born. I faught the urge to turn the car around all the way to work and watched the clock the whole time I was there.

Luckily my oldest daughter is a senior and only goes to school a little over three hours a day so she checked them after to school and called me to report they were fine. Then I am home by around 1-2pm and I run straight in to check them.

After watching them come into the world you can't help but feel over protective.
Yeah, I don't know if the need to protect them ever goes away . . . you just get used to the idea that they can fend for themselves for a few hours here and there.
I mean, even after they are a year old.
Seriously! I never knew how attached I would get to a baby chick! Never ever thought about it. Now i can't stop thinking about them!

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