Amerauacana V.S. Easter Egger

I have a few for yall to look at and help me out for sure! Hang on let me get on the computer lol had to comment so I could subscribe since im on my phone and I can find yall again when I get on my desk top! Im so excited :)
okay here are the few i think you can help me with...
the first one I thought was an araucana at first look, but taking a second look, he is a black ameraucana. Could be a hen based on comb, but those huge thick legs look male. Can you get a full body pic from the side? Saddles and tail carriage will help me determine sex. The other two are black austrolorp hens. Gorgeous heavy birds that lay lots of eggs!
The first one (molly) is believed to be a pullet to this point but hasnt started laying yet.
The second two are as follows... the one on the left is Ella, she lays every day and is a very good mama (she actually adopted the other two at about a month old along with two game babies) I rescued her from a lady because she was out cast from her flock after being kicked by a horse and having to be seperated for medical care.shes about two years old and i was told she is a sexlink. The one on the right (Matty) is male... I know because he just started crowing. (He was supposed to be a girl but i had my suspisions from the begining hence the name) i was told matty and molly were easter egger pullets and i will get some more pics tonight of there legs although i do believe they look black to me. So maybe theu are easter eggers. But the lady who sold them to me was up here a few weeks ago and told me matty was indeed a girl amd i was wrong and that she would lay brown eggs... two days later Matty started crowing mimicing my rooster in the other pen. Just wanted yalls opinion because im not sure of the breed :) and thanks ill get more pics tonight!
The legs look black to me on the first one which is why I think it's an Easter Egger. True Ameraucanas (even Black ones) have slate blue legs.

hmm. Well... never actually noticed that. Never had a chicken with solid black feet but my silkie mutt. Will have to add that later.

I think black sexlinks should have golden hackles. And the rooster would look like a barred rock in a way. Their feet, comb, and the fact that they should lay brown eggs make me think they are australorps. Hmm.. that one does look like a hen, but that was because I assumed they were the same age :) . Lets see what the others think
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