Ameraucana (?) Breed question and Pullet or Roo?

I wondered about that, too. She has the slightest bit of a "painting" of inky grey on the very tops that is hard to see unless you're looking. She's the weirdest one of the 8 I hatched. The only one with no beard and very little muffs by her earlobes. I did help this one hatch and she struggled to thrive for a while, but I doubt that had much to do with all of these things. I think the seller THOUGHT she was selling me "Pure Ameraucana" eggs, but was really selling "Americana" ((shrug))
I don't buy into the whole Ameraucana offspring that aren't color/pattern pure aren't Ameraucana idea.
My issue with yours is that pullets leg color. Yellow skin is incorrect for Ameraucana and for a bird to have yellow skin it had to get that gene from both parents.
Yellow skin is recessive to white skin so since yours are hatchmates the male could be carrying the gene hidden.
That's just a lot of birds from that line with the wrong genes. I'd guess you're right. The breeder probably was unaware her birds weren't pure.
Not sure what you mean by that? Pea combs have three rows, a single row would be a single comb, if I'm understanding this correctly. Sorry you didn't get what you were after :hugs
I'm used to not getting what I'm after lol It's quite alright. I still love them, I'll just be more careful next time. It certainly doesn't help that I'm still too undereducated on the topic. When I'm better educated, I can go into it knowing what to look for. I was under the popular misconception that pullets of this breed had a single row of peas and roos had three. I now understand that both have three and the roo's three are more pronounced, where the pullet's middle one is most pronounced. In this case, I do not know. I see what look to be little nubs here n' there on both sides of the pronounced row. But I can't be sure. And also a little gather of pees toward the crest. I'm more confused than ever now lol Pretty mutts, though, huh?? lol
I don't buy into the whole Ameraucana offspring that aren't color/pattern pure aren't Ameraucana idea.
My issue with yours is that pullets leg color. Yellow skin is incorrect for Ameraucana and for a bird to have yellow skin it had to get that gene from both parents.
Yellow skin is recessive to white skin so since yours are hatchmates the male could be carrying the gene hidden.
That's just a lot of birds from that line with the wrong genes. I'd guess you're right. The breeder probably was unaware her birds weren't pure.
They both hatched from beautiful blue eggs, this is just so weird and I'm left with more and more questions. I thank you greatly for your expertise and input. Keep it comin'!
I'm used to not getting what I'm after lol It's quite alright. I still love them, I'll just be more careful next time. It certainly doesn't help that I'm still too undereducated on the topic. When I'm better educated, I can go into it knowing what to look for. I was under the popular misconception that pullets of this breed had a single row of peas and roos had three. I now understand that both have three and the roo's three are more pronounced, where the pullet's middle one is most pronounced. In this case, I do not know. I see what look to be little nubs here n' there on both sides of the pronounced row. But I can't be sure. And also a little gather of pees toward the crest. I'm more confused than ever now lol Pretty mutts, though, huh?? lol

She's definitely pretty❤️
Alright, you all, just cross fingers she's for sure a little girl and I'll be happy no matter what breed she is. Oh and cross fingers that Barnaby is carrying two blue genes, and that'll be a bonus! lol Thank you all for everything.
Some people call easter egger 'Ameracauna' or 'Americauna'.
I know and so I checked with her just to be sure we were talking about pure AmerAUCANA and she assured me that's what her birds are. Oh well, this has been a learning experience :)
I'm thinking She doesn't know what's she's talking about... good looking birds though.
Same. That or a rogue rooster came to visit and she didn't know. Either way, I'm eager to see what results in their offspring and thank you for the compliment! :)
They both hatched from beautiful blue eggs, this is just so weird and I'm left with more and more questions. I thank you greatly for your expertise and input. Keep it comin'!
Here's some insight that you probably won't hear from most.
I first saw blue egg layers in the 70s. That was before I ever heard of the name Ameraucana or Easter Egger. In that day they were called Araucanas.
They weren't exactly pure for any of those breeds as we know them today. Breeders were trying to standardizes them as the Araucana and did in the mid 70s. Other breeders took them in a different direction creating the American Araucana shortened to Ameraucana and joining the APA almost 10 years later.
Many thought the gene that caused the no tail was linked to the lethal gene in those earliest birds. Some knew and others later figured out it was the ear tufts that was linked. But anyways people started breeding away from one or the other or both sets of genes.
Araucanas became less popular and Ameraucana popularity grew. But all along the way the hatcheries kept breeding for the blue egg genes with less regard to the SOP the APA set.
Those birds were now becoming advertised as the "Easter egg layers" For a long long time you could buy these non Ameraucana birds from hatcheries that laid blue eggs. Idk if there's any hatcheries that still have those lines or if they've all mixed egg genes now.
Easter eggers, Americanas, etc are all just different labels that were eventually attached by hatcheries to their birds.
It doesn't suprise me that so many are confused by what exactly they have since its changed so often.

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