Ameraucana chick....color guess anyone?

Yes, with this order I have requested all Ameraucans (EE) pullets. I don't give too much "air-time" to the Americauna / EE debate. It's tiresome and un-interesting to me. For some people (not Maxx - he's really trying to be helpful, I know him and he's good stuff!), they take some serious offense to the mis-labeling of these three breeds.

To me...this is a hobby. It does not matter what anyone thinks of my chickens - or what breeds I was sold by a very helpful hatchery. Call 'em what you want - I love them all the same

I am an elitist-snob about the following:
1) Classical Music - beautiful music soothes my soul...poorly played classical music assaults my senses! So for this, I am a snob. I don't want to hear crappy music. But when I do hear it, I do not tell everyone I know that the music is crappy. I just tune it out - or leave. I do not feel strongly about convincing all those around me that it is crappy music played by crappy musicians.
2) Horses - same as above....a beautiful horse soothes the soul. But poorly conformed horses have health/soundness issues....and they are not nice to look at. So I am a a confessed horse-snob. However, again, I do not feel compelled to tell everyone around me how ugly a particular horse is. I simply let it go.
3) Photography - as above - gorgeous pictures transport me...either to another place in this world, or into another beings soul. I do not care for everyone's photography - for example: my mom thinks she is a great photographer. She is not. Very expensive cameras have not helped her. But I do not feel the need to tell her her pictures are horrible. She loves them, and that is enough.

Chickens. They are just chickens, to me. I love my pets: I buy the best feed for them. I keep their living conditions spotless (Maxx can confirm this!). I give them treats. I free range them when I'm there to supervise. I do all these things whether my chickens are Ameraucanas or EE.

Ameraucanas or EE - I will be getting a lot of green eggs pretty soon - and maybe a blue one or two!!!!!!!!

*steps off soap-box*

Ok...this is getting off the topic and I don't want to stir the pot but I did some looking around and was wondering if an average person (one not knowing the ameraucana standards and such) could tell by looking at a bird if it's a ameraucana or EE? Just wondering for information's sake.

Ok...this is getting off the topic and I don't want to stir the pot but I did some looking around and was wondering if an average person (one not knowing the ameraucana standards and such) could tell by looking at a bird if it's a ameraucana or EE? Just wondering for information's sake.

If they remember a couple things, yes. The easiest being location - Where were they from? Anything from a feedstore or hatchery is an EE.

The second being color. EEs have a typical color, even though they are mutts and vary - They do have some common colors. Also, Ameraucanas only come in so many colors, being a recognized breed.
I think the easiest thing to remember is EE color though. If the hen is brown with black lacing anywhere on her body, she's an EE. If the rooster is white with weird splashy colors, he's an EE. If he is red with a black and red spotted chest, he's an EE.

Ameraucana colors tend to be either completely solid. If not, there is Silver, which is kinda rare, and Wheaten, which is only hard to differentiate between EEs with the boys.

Oh and of course there is leg color - If they are anything but slate, it is an EE. Except black is allowed on blue and black Ameraucanas.
Thanks! You learn something new every day! I'm getting a picture I think. Just another example of what would I do without this forum!
I think I should post some pics somewhere. . . We have a very typical color of EE hen and EE roo, as well as Blue, Black, and Splash Ameraucanas. In a month that will expaqnd to Blue Wheaten and Wheaten Ameraucanas, so that should give a good visual.

Also, if it is a chick and you're not sure - A chipmunk chick is usually an EE.
I think I'm understanding. It's kinda like grade horses vs registered horses.

So, I've got one chipmunk, one yellow chipmunk, and one solid yellow (my avatar). What will they be?
Or like show vs. not show quality dogs. I'm glad for the little lesson though....especially knowing the debate is out there.
my 2 cents worth. Ameracauna or EE. . . same difference between purebred dog and mixed breed dog. With purebred animals, you can usually determine color and other physical factors ahead of time. Same with temperment, egg color, etc. With mixed bred animals, the range can be very wide.

Now, I love my EE, but wanted real Ameracauna's. . . got them, and the difference is huge. Egg color, remarkably is about the same, but temperment is very different. These Ameracauna's are so friendly! Before getting them, by Barred Rock hen was the pet, but she has been supassed by my "best" Ameracauna hen, the friendliest and gentlest bird I have ever known (with wide experience with both domestic and non-domestic species)
I started a post a week ago under "Breeds & Genetics" to try and see if we could have a thread dedicated to "this is my chick, this is the eventual adult" since EEs are so varied. I just updated the first thread with today's 3wk pics. Here's a link:

I'd love it if we could get more chick/adult pics. Goodness knows that people ask this question all the time and we ALL take lots of pics of our chickens!
Interesting topic. I too just picked up what I though was araunacana (spell?)chicks from a feed store today. After reading and looking at my little chipmunk colored chicks, I think I have EE now. But thankfully, they are meant to be pets and hopefully egg layers. I'm also a little worried that I may have a rooster in my bunch that are suppose to be hens. Too soon to tell though. That will be part of the excitement....seeing what they grow up to be. Thanks for all the information everyone.

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