Ameraucana chick....color guess anyone?

My beautiful EE "Tulip" was much darker than yours as a chick. She turned into one like Kelly G's. Don't you just love their eyeliner!
Too late for me. My little guys, at least this batch, are already feathered out pretty much.

This is a little OT--BUT--please tell me what camera you used to take those pics? They are wonderful, so sharp and clear. I do not do anywhere near so well with my camera.

I would really like to be able to get such nice pictures.


Canon Powershot A75 that is about ten years old. And those pics were closely cropped as well. Very nice little point and shoot, but older (it went on our honeymoon, so I'm pretty sure of the age!)
OT, but do EEs ever NOT have puffy cheecks? I got 8 EEs from the feed store but one is smaller, has the chipmunk back, slate legs, orange beak, and a blue/red chest, but doesn't have the puffy cheeks like all the others. Could she be something else?
I had 3 from Ideal and one didn't have the puffy cheeks. She was my favorite though, laid the first egg and the most blue-ish out of the other 2.
I have 3 EEs only one has puffy cheeks. (four weeks old) Wait let me go check, I can't remember if Taco has puffy cheeks....

Okay, two have puffy cheeks and one most certainly does not. She's also much darker then the others. They all have slate legs so I think they are just different because they are "muts" ?

So I have a question. On that americauna site (linked earlier, here it is again, there are silver chicks taht look chipmunky. I thought no Americauna would have those markings. Are they an exception or a mistake?
I have two of these *mutts* and wonder what they will look like as adults. Only time will tell I guess

Chicks and kids...we can guess all we want as to what they will look like full grown *lol*
I'd love to know the answer to that...but I have no idea. Maybe we should post in the breeds and genetics area...the thread posted earlier here.
I just bought 8 "mericongas" as the clerk at the feed store called them. I tried to persuade her that they were probably EE's, but she insisted they were "mericongas", so I politely tried to inform her of the correct was a lost cause. So I happily bought my EE's and took them home! I have a bit of variety in color and like lots of other first time chick-moms am anxious to see how they turn out!!!

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