Ameraucana - color and gender guesses?


In the Brooder
May 4, 2015
Hailey, Idaho
I picked up my first Ameraucana chick last weekend - she is "1-2 wks old", I got her from D&B supply. Any thougths on what color and gender my little light yellow chick is? Thanks!

Here is our Ameraucana:

Was your chick sexed or strait run? D&B gets both but they get sexed chicks more often. At this age you can't tell what gender they are. Cockerels combs often start turning red by about 6 weeks where as pullets don't turn red until they are close to laying. Otherwise pullets have rounded hackle feathers and cockerels are pointed.
Thanks - my chick is suppose to be a pullet ... reading all about sexing this breed had me curious if she will turn out to be a hen.

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