Ameraucana color Question


May 25, 2023

I got this sweet boy a couple days ago from a family rehoming him and six hens. He was described as a blue Ameraucana. Is that correct or is he a splash?

Here are his hens. I know 3 are splash, the described two of the others as blue:


Then there’s this one, a gold-laced black one. Is it an ameraucana or must it be an EE to get colors like that?


Their eggs are small and blue as expected (smaller than my EE’s blue egg).

I have people interested in buying hatching eggs after posting pics of them on my Facebook and I just want to know what the correct kind of verbiage I should use when selling these eggs so as to be truthful about their breed and color. Thank you for any insight!!
The two hens with the more mixed coloring are Easter eggers. The rooster is splash.
Thank you! They said the rooster was a show rooster but can you show a splash rooster? I was going to have my son maybe show him in 4H next year, but since he’s a splash, not really something you do?
Thank you! They said the rooster was a show rooster but can you show a splash rooster? I was going to have my son maybe show him in 4H next year, but since he’s a splash, not really something you do?
You would have to check with your local administration. A splash ameraucana is in fact an amaraucana, just not recognized but the APA/ABS. It is this way because the only way to get a true splash is to breed 2 blues together (or subsequently blue/splash or splash/splash).

So genetically it is purebred, just not recognized as such.

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