Ameraucana/Easter Egger Gender - Tell me how!

Your Henrietta looks just like MY Henrietta!!!

WOW! I wonder if they come from the same source. Where did your Henrietta come from? Mine is from Mt. Healthy Hatchery. They were sold as "Araucanas". When I read that, I was certain, that they were Easter Eggers and not purebred birds, since the true Araucanas are rumpless and so forth.

Henrietta has been a very friendly bird. She is curious and bold and along with her pal Polly, a barred rock, has been the first to fly out of the brooder to investigate their human servant.
Mine are from Cackle Hatchery. I believe all the hatcheries only sell EEs,you can only get a true Araucana or Ameraucana from a breeder. In my experiance,I've had a heck of a time trying to get Ameraucanas that didn't cost an arm & a leg,so I just gave up & stuck w/ the EEs. I love em just the same!!
From all that I have seen (that would be extensive - shall we say obsessive - internet-browsing) I personally prefer the look of Easter Eggers over the Amercauna breed standard. (Ameracana lovers, take no offense. We all know you can't argue over taste, right?)
My favorite are Wheaten & Blue Wheatens,but never could get any hens for my gorgeous roos,or could find/afford the eggs or chicks! I love that no 2 EEs are alike,and I really LOVE Cackle's & Estes' EEs,they are always super healthy & so colorful & sweet natured. They alwys have nice muffs & pretty eggs,too!
I keep trying to get a decent photo. And I have tried to prepare myself for the little one to be a roo. And I figure I can try to roost close to the roof trick to see if I can keep a "quiet" crow if that is what I do have.
Suess Hens,
I have a similar dilemma. Out of my first flock of 10 "pullets", two turned out to be boys. I will have to rehome at least one and then see if the neighbor starts complaining about the crowing...
long necks and wide legs dont matter at all. my black sex link hens had large legs and long necks. and so did my EE girl. but they usually have a widder crown/comb and it usually gets ppinker first if they are boys.
here is a pick of a EE roo and EE girl:
EE hen:

EE roo:

sorry the pic of the EE boy isnt the best but he is in front and sorta in the middle.

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