Ameraucana/Easter Egger Gender - Tell me how!


In the Brooder
11 Years
May 13, 2008
I'm looking for tips on determining the gender in young Ameraucanas/Easter Eggers at around 6 to 8 weeks old.
What are looking for? How do you make your determination??
I don't know about those inparticular breeds, as I have never had them, but with most of the breeds that I've raised so far the cockerels have nice big red combs and are growing some wattles at 6 to 8 wks. old. Hope that helps some!
I was coming on with the same question.
I have two at 5 weeks old. I know they aren't really showing any characteristics yet, but one has a very pronounced almost upright "tail," the other has a low lying "tail." I'm thinking I have a roo and pullet respectively. But I don't know.
I have EEs that I have hatched and my suspected roos have much wider, pinker and raised combs compared to the suspected pullets

Plus, my roos are first out of the coop when I open the door and they spend most of their time chasing each other around, sparring while the pullets forage in the grass and take dirt baths

Here are 2 of the roos....


And here is a pullet.....

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My EE Roo did not follow any of the standard girl/boy traits. I only knew he was a roo when he crowed at 8 weeks! Up until then, I swore he was a girl. His legs were not thick, he wasn't any differently colored than my pullets, his comb wasn't that pink or that thick. I am finding they are one of the hardest breeds I've had so far to determine the sex.
Thank you all for your replies and keep them coming!
It sure seems the Ameraucanas/EEs don't give their gender easily away - at least not when they are younger.
My chicks will be 7 weeks tomorrow and I will keep my ears out for crowing. At what age does the adult plumage grow in?
Oh, I can't wait 10 more weeks! Here are pics of my two Ameraucana/EEs (I hope the pics come up):
Henrietta (I hope) feathered in quickly and was the largest of my mixed flock for a while - not any longer. The tail is cut off here, but it is short in straight.

And here, the bird in question:
Since gender is in question, this one goes name-less. It feathered in slower, and was smaller than Henrietta, but has moved up and now they are pretty much same in size. Note the tail! It is longer and the feathers curve a bit. And what really gets me worried are the feathers just above the tail.

Let me know what you all think!

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