Ameraucana: Hen or Rooster? (born feb 21) just over 3 months old....

thanks everyone! Ill try to take it back to the place I got him, I don't know how that will go but I also have a few friends calling around, but if i can't rehome him by tuesday morning, ill probably have to consider other options
Oh gosh, you don't even need to do that much. Just post a picture of this boy on Craigslist, advertize him for free, and he'll be snapped up like candy. He's so beautiful that he'll have no problems finding a home, and a flock of hens to romance.

Please don't take him back to the hatchery, they're very likely to butcher him.
Looks EXACTLY like my Ameraucana (or EE) so-called "hen"! She is 2 months and just started making strangled crowing noises (ha ha) but I wasn't sure because I'd heard that hens sometimes crow as well. Thank you for this post, I think Twilight must a roo. Darn :)
Looks EXACTLY like my Ameraucana (or EE) so-called "hen"! She is 2 months and just started making strangled crowing noises (ha ha) but I wasn't sure because I'd heard that hens sometimes crow as well. Thank you for this post, I think Twilight must a roo. Darn :)

Ameraucanas and EEs are not the same thing (Hatcheries do false advertising about them all the time).
I have an americauna too, but i cant tell if she is a boy. She (he) started making long 'cooing' sounds a month ago. She (he) is now 4 minths old... any ideas?
I have an americauna too, but i cant tell if she is a boy. She (he) started making long 'cooing' sounds a month ago. She (he) is now 4 minths old... any ideas?


We need a much better pic to id gender on your bird. There's a link to photo guidelines stickied at the top of the section, but basically we need a profile shot including legs and comb.
Based on what I can see I'm leaning toward female if the bird is 4 months, but I make no guarantees on that. Better pic is needed.

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