Ameraucana lays brown eggs?

We had the same thing. Got an ameraucana and she started laying light brown eggs. And still does 9 months later. Sorry. She is probably crossed with something and not "full breed." It was a disappointment at first, but I love her just the same as the rest of my girls.
Oh bummer! So sorry for the tan egg. She will most likely continue to lay that color.
. It may get darker a few more lays, our girls did. I have one EE I'm waiting to lay. It should be any day now as she checks out the nests everyday. My other EE lays a blue/green egg that's pretty dark. Both my EE's came from a different hatchery. I hope your other EE lays that blue or green egg for you! They are such sweet birds!
Hi there!
when the grass grew in the winter (rains) the hens had alot of grass to eat.
then volia! greenish eggs!
if u have access to grass let then forage/eat, or even just pick some and toss it over
and see what happens~~`
Both of my "Ameraucanas" have green legs and one lays pastel green, the other pale rosy pink.
This past spring, we had two chicks hatch from nice blue/green eggs. The hens are Easter-eggers, obviously not pure bred. They have the puffy cheeks. Anyway, the chicks finally started laying eggs in November. One egg was a deeper brown,the other egg was light tan/cream. We were confused as we thought since they came from green eggs,and our rooster is also an Ameraucana, they would lay green eggs too. Anyway, after about a week, one day the lighter colored egg was like an olivey green color and now it is a light green. The dark egg is still dark. Strange, but true!
Sorry about the brown egg

Now we've got to talk about genetics for the others on this thread, since there seems to be some confusion.

Egg color can vary in shade (dark brown/green or light brown/green, speckled or chalky) but will not vary in base color... your chickens can't eat different food and have it change the shell color. I hope you know that. Different foods may change the yolk color. Calcium affects shell thickness.

Leg color has nothing to do with egg color. The genes are not that closely tied. Pea comb means they're more likely to lay blue/green, single comb means they're more likely to lay brown/pink. These are not rules but they are often true.

The color egg a chick hatches from only demonstrates the egg color from the mother, not whatever genes the father carries. Therefore, even if a pullet hatches from a blue/green egg, they are not guaranteed to lay blue/green eggs.
I have found that Ameraucana's that lay blue/green eggs have green legs themselves. If their legs are not green they will produce a pink egg. I enjoy my egg layers no matter what the color egg they lay.

Leg color has nothing to do with egg color. Remember, correlation does not equal causation! Leg color DOES have a lot to do with breed, however--Ameraucanas must have slate blue legs. A bird with green legs is an Easter Egger, not an Ameraucana.
I had two Easter eggers who laid bluish green eggs. After I lost one of them the other started laying brown eggs, don't know why noting has changed with feed or environment

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