Ameraucana or Easter Egger


9 Years
Jul 29, 2013
Jacksonville, FL
My Coop
My Coop


I got these from a local breeder that assured me they were indeed Ameraucanas. Someone said on another thread that they are EE's. All in all it doesn't matter, but I want to know what they are and why. I looked at the Ameraucana Club scrapbook and they look like the Silvers to me. I'm soooooo confused. I just want pretty birds and blue eggs.
I am not sure why the chick on the last picture doesn't have muff if it is an Ameraucana. You can't really tell if they are Ameraucanas or EEs until they are older and their feathers are all out. But I agree with juliechick, the leg coloring is off in your chicks.
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The color in the 1st photo looks strange. The second pic(muffless) is spot on though. The legs are kind of silvery, almost like a thin gray skin overlay. Thanks for the input. All of my prechicken pets have been mutts. I got 2 Samon Faverolles and 1 Blue Copper Maran from one breeder and these I got from another. I thought it would be fun to have pure bred chickens. Don't ask why. I have no idea. The babies are sweet either way. ;)
You should indeed have pretty birds and colored eggs. That's the great thing about EEs!

The seller probably thought her birds are really Ameraucanas--they probably came from a hatchery as such, so why would she doubt that?

If/when you ever decide you want a true purebred Ameraucana, talk to the breeder about what color their birds are. Any serious breeder of any bird can tell you what colors they breed. Real color names, not "well, my rooster is black and white, and my hens are mostly a brownish color but one is gold and one has some blue on her". Ameraucana breeders will tell you their birds are Wheaton, black, things like that.
I am not sure why the chick on the last picture doesn't have muff if it is an Ameraucana. You can't really tell if they are Ameraucanas or EEs until they are older and their feathers are all out. But I agree with juliechick, the leg coloring is off in your chicks.

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