Ameraucana? Speckled Sussex? What the heck is a Warrior??


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 14, 2013
Van Buren Co, TN
These are the four hens I picked up today. Rooster is AWOL but hoping he returns to his ladies this evening. I'll keep them in the crate in their room in the hopes he comes back to them and close the door behind him.

Anyway, this one is, I was told, a Warrior breed. I'd never heard of that so I started looking up chickens and it at first made me think maybe it's a SS? But then after taking the photos I noticed the feathers on the side of the face. Is that maybe Ameraucana?

I had one brown egg with darker brown spots laid when they first got here. I just went out there and found a white egg that has a very very very slight blue tint and that's what got me wondering if maybe she's a cross between a couple breeds? She's also my broody hen and doesn't like to leave the nest. It's the only way I caught her.

Side view, behind the RIR

Another side view

From the front

Her back end
This is the rooster. Guesses on him? I guessed a Delaware, but he does have some feathering on his legs like a Light Brahma, just not much. So a cross maybe?
Ok thanks. Is that the Ameraucana / Americana / Auracana type bird? I've seen it spelled so many ways. Seems they tend to be a mix of a bird from Chile or something?
A lot of people call EEs Ameraucanas (this the actual spelling and i have seen it spelled a lot of different ways too). The only difference is EEs dont have the correct leg color, feather color, not all of them have beards like Ameraucanas, and dont always lay blue eggs. If you get on the Ameraucana breeders website at you can see all the colors that are accepted. You will see a lot of people claim their Easter eggers are Ameraucanas, because it is a very common and easy mistake to make.

Now Araucanas are another breed of chicken. They are rumpless, so they have no tail and they lay blue eggs. These usually tend to be pretty rare and if you have one you will definatley be able to tell because of the absence of a tail.

But anyway your hen is an EE or easter egger. Hope this helped.
A lot of people call EEs Ameraucanas (this the actual spelling and i have seen it spelled a lot of different ways too). The only difference is EEs dont have the correct leg color, feather color, not all of them have beards like Ameraucanas, and dont always lay blue eggs. If you get on the Ameraucana breeders website at you can see all the colors that are accepted. You will see a lot of people claim their Easter eggers are Ameraucanas, because it is a very common and easy mistake to make.

Now Araucanas are another breed of chicken. They are rumpless, so they have no tail and they lay blue eggs. These usually tend to be pretty rare and if you have one you will definatley be able to tell because of the absence of a tail.

But anyway your hen is an EE or easter egger. Hope this helped.
Yes, thank you! Didn't realize there were so many different breeds like that.
Roo looks like a Brahma, Columbian or light Sussex maybe. Foot feathering says Brahma. How big is he? They are massively impressive birds.
He's a good size boy. Definitely much larger than the girls are. I'm not sure how to explain his size, just that he's significantly larger than the hens. He's an armful when I pick him up.

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