Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

28 W/ BW eggs in the 'bator!!!
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Ok. My girls will be 23 weeks on wednesday, about half of them are squatting, there combs are red. Wouldnt you think they would be laying soon?

I really am trying to be patient! lol But it can be hard at times.
My 3 white Am's are 17 weeks old (yesterday) and none of them are crowing. I still don't think it's safe to say they're all girls but at least two are. I'm getting so close to those blue eggs..
My two serviving White Ams are so pretty!
I know for sure I have a pair. The combs look just the same, but their tails are totaly different. The male has a round tail with long feathers hanging off it, and the female has a perfect unside down V shaped tail.

~ Aspen
Aren't yours just a few weeks older than mine? I don't see any thin saddle feathers on my suspected one yet but they are going through a molt. Its tail looks like the other two's, so all I can do is wait just a little while longer. Its comb is just a tad too wide and is making me worry. I have no other roos so I don't know what's making it delayed or what? The one with the fluffiest beard and muffs looks just like her mom
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Had to share.. got 15 chicks hatch from 20 (shipped) eggs at the WE.

Sadly only 4 are wheaten amaraucanas.

Is it possible to sex 'little" wheaten amaraucanas chicks? Does dark markings on wing feathers at a week suggest boy or is color at that stage random?

Edited to say.....
also got a 2/16 hatch from my other batch so you win some.....but only some....
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This is one of my Ramey buffs. He's my favorite, but has a goofy comb. There is only one row- like a single comb with rounded bumps. He's my little shadow


Just put a few wheatens and lavs on lockdown. I was getting huge eggs from the lav pen and I thought they'd be splits, but all the ones that hatched last week are lavender. Wondering if my Crystalcreek's Smith pullet started up early since she hatched from a jumbo egg.
Mrs. Fluffy Puffy :

Yes, Mine are just a few weeks older than yours.
In just a couple more short months we'll have some 'purdy blue eggs!!

~ Aspen

I really can't wait! Are you still wanting to breed yours to another white line?​

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