Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

There are many respected breeders on the ABC forum that I would like to talk to about specific varieties and such. They are not on BYC, and I wouldn't want to impose by sending them personal emails about every little thing. I'd like to have the input of the pros. Just can't log in.
Perhaps it also helps support the club by encouraging members to join and creating a sense of community. It really doesn't cost very much money and it helps to keep people properly educated about Ameraucanas and keeps the breed moving forward in a direction that is good for the breed in general.

There are other free forums around that allow folks to ask LOADS of questions about Ameraucanas. Like this one, for example!!!!

It doesn't matter if you are a member or not. As I said before- I have been a member for 2 years and it won't let me create a login.

I'll work on this today...
A short email to the membership secretary would probably correct that very quickly. (But it sounds like pips&peeps is on the case so I'm betting you'll be good to go!!!)
We'll have to disagree on this point. The ABC is also a WONDERFUL place to learn - and make contact with knowledgeable, conscientious breeders. I would encourage anyone interested in Ameraucanas to check them out.
There were several links that indicate the differences, Walt...sometimes they don't know how to use the thread or the information has been shuffled so long in the list.
I had difficulty signing in at first to the ABC forum. A quick email to John B. who was pres at the time set matters right within a day.

I find that I get great educated responses to even beginner questions from people whose knowledge of the breed is extensive on the ABC forum. I feel like I can trust the advice I get there. I still can't figure how to post photos there though. Beyond my computer skills.
The forum only uploads small files, you can however post pictures that are from other sites by using the

I wanted to ask others that have tried to get on the forum if you are having difficulty? Is anyone else getting this message?

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pips&peeps :

The forum only uploads small files, you can however post pictures that are from other sites by using the http://[/B][I]yourpicturelinkwouldgohere[/I][B]yourpicturelinkwouldgohere tags.

I wanted to ask others that have tried to get on the forum if you are having difficulty? Is anyone else getting this message?


Jean, quick question about entering Lavs. Should I put under the Variety, AOV- Lavender or just Lavender. Last year I entered one as Lavender/Self-Blue and she was judged against my Blue and placed ahead of her.
(yes, APA show)​

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