Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

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I wanted to ask others that have tried to get on the forum if you are having difficulty? Is anyone else getting this message?


Jean, quick question about entering Lavs. Should I put under the Variety, AOV- Lavender or just Lavender. Last year I entered one as Lavender/Self-Blue and she was judged against my Blue and placed ahead of her.
(yes, APA show)

I've always entered splash and lavs under AOV - color here.
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pips&peeps :


Jean, quick question about entering Lavs. Should I put under the Variety, AOV- Lavender or just Lavender. Last year I entered one as Lavender/Self-Blue and she was judged against my Blue and placed ahead of her.
(yes, APA show)

I've always entered splash and lavs under AOV - color here.​

OK, Maybe that will alleviate the confusion.
Back on the topic of Ameraucanas!
Thank you to whoever posted that nonmembers can read the ABC forum. I've spent an enjoyable hour this morning reading about Silvers. This is my first year with Ameraucanas and I love my Silver and BWs! I'm not in the position to start breeding yet but I hope to in the future.
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The way I look at it, folks that already know it all - have perfect birds - and have nothing left to learn - they won't cough up the measly membership fee to be a part of the ABC or any group that requires something from them. They are likely only going to vent on "free" forums anyway since they are obviously above everyone else.
Furthermore, that sort of nonsense is likely just going to be completely ignored over there - or handled privately.

The thing that concerns me is that we don't want to make the ABC sound too elitist - thus my response. I believe we don't want to make folks that just have an Ameraucana or two in the backyard afraid to join in, afraid to show, afraid to strive for fabulous Ameraucanas, and afraid to ask questions of the folks there - even if their Ameraucanas aren't perfect. For every one of us that chimes in boldly on this thread, I bet there are 10 lurking in the background just taking it all in. (And perhaps even thinking many of us take this all WAY too seriously. ) I think we want to try to encourage them to participate and to make them feel welcome.
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One of my seventeen week old BW Roos Has a habit of holding his tail to the side for long periods of time. At first I thought it was wry, but it will off to the right for a while then to the left for a while( 10 plus minutes) Then I will look and it will be straight, but mostly to one side or the other. Have any of you seen this before and is it considered a fault?
I have seen that before. If a judge looks at it while he/she is judging and it holds it to one side for any length of time the bird will be DQ'd. If I see it move from one side to the other, but still looks like a wry tail I will note that on the coop card. The tail has to be straight when the bird is judged.

I have seen that before. If a judge looks at it while he/she is judging and it holds it to one side for any length of time the bird will be DQ'd. If I see it move from one side to the other, but still looks like a wry tail I will note that on the coop card. The tail has to be straight when the bird is judged.


So in the long run, would it be best not to use a bird like this?
I am considering giving up on the buffs. I have 5 roosters and one pullet (I think). If anybody is interested in the pair, maybe....No shipping. We decided to get into pygmy goats and sheep, and with all my geese I just don't have time for so many seperate breeds anymore.
I have seen that before. If a judge looks at it while he/she is judging and it holds it to one side for any length of time the bird will be DQ'd. If I see it move from one side to the other, but still looks like a wry tail I will note that on the coop card. The tail has to be straight when the bird is judged.


Thanks for the reply. Of my two BW Roos this bird is the better looking one so far. Would you refrain from using him to breed because of this?With that said he would have to look much better than the other one when he grown out, because the tail thing drives me nuts.

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