Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I'll be needing a new BW, W, or Lav LF roo for our girls by spring. I have a wheaten cockerel, but he's too closely related to them for me to comfortably raise chicks from them. Anybody have any extra?
hey folks,im new at the chicken game.Was wondering how to tell the difference between the easter eggers and americuanas. I have four hens that lay blue eggs but now im not sure what i got Thanks
Go to the Ameraucana Breeders Club site, and look at the varieties / pics: if your bird doesn't match one of them, it's an EE. Also, if it has green legs, or yellow on the bottom of its feet, it's an EE. If it came from a feed store it's an EE. Hope this helps.
It does indeed help.Im going to say ameracuana,mine just have more red in them than all the pictures i have seen . I got them from a hatchery around a year ago as a hobby but I dont have to tell you how bfast that took off. Now I have a couple of these and three of those and you know the story. thanks
I would just ask you, if you plan on selling hatching eggs, or chicks, please do not sell them as true Ameraucanas if they came from a hatchery. If they are just hens for your own enjoyment, call them whatever you want.
Congrats on your birds! Yes, they are quite addictive, aren't they??
as a matter of fact,after those photos,im going to say i have one wheaton female,three brown and red females, and of course the rooster which is brown and red. So that site helped a lot. Thank you
Hatcheries do not have brown reds, there are EE feather patterns that are very close, but they are not true brown red Ameraucanas. True brown reds are extremely hard to find, and can only be purchased from a private breeder. The birds may closely resemble them, but they will not breed true....

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