Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Like this?Out of lavender bantam.

Sorta not as big and fully downed over the lump, also not squishy!
Have to say Poseidon is the nicest Gentlemen of a Rooster. He will go get treats and take them to the "outside" ladies... I have to make sure all the girls are stuffed or he will not eat

He's been teaching my bantam rooster not to sneak attack the girls.... but to dance and woo em.

Yeah, definitely one of my favorite LF roos ever.
I have a question for anyone who knows about these things... I have a black Am pullet who had dark grey tummy down when she was a chick. Instead of the black and cream or yellowish, she was just all dark. Now at 5 months she pretty much looks the same as the others except her eyes are very dark. Would this indicate that she has extra melanizers? The Ml gene? I am sure she is a E/E black.
I have been deep in genetics sites and love all the info but sometimes it is so hard to figure stuff out. When you think you got it understood you learn something new that gets confusing again. Lol
Hello All ~

I have a few very beautiful Wheaten/ Blue Wheaten chicks. Unfortunately, all my chicks came out Wheaten. I would like see put some "feelers" out there to see if there are any (1-2) good quality started Blue Wheaten or Splash cockerels available or eggs. I'm in SD, Ca.

I am trying to eventually produce mostly Blue Wheaties :)

Thanks all
I would love to have a blue wheaten roo! I only have one blue wheaten, a hen. Everytime I get eggs from other breeders in the hopes of getting a blue wheaten roo.......all wheaten. My quest continues....:)

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