Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

So I am not the only one

Thats why this time I am looking primarily for started cockerels.....I will let you know if I find someone.
I would love to have a blue wheaten roo! I only have one blue wheaten, a hen. Everytime I get eggs from other breeders in the hopes of getting a blue wheaten roo.......all wheaten. My quest continues....:)
Yes, please do SD_Paulo. It's almost time to retire my wheaten roo and I've always wanted to replace him with a blue wheaten out of a nice typey line with good egg color. :)
So I am not the only one

Thats why this time I am looking primarily for started cockerels.....I will let you know if I find someone.

Y'all may want to keep me in mind. My birds have started to lay pretty well recently but I've got other breeds in the breeding pens currently. I have males and females for both W & BW. I don't have any SW so the best I can do right now is 50/50 or 50/25/25.

However, I am planning on keeping every SW I hatch and I plan to continue to work on and keep them. So next year I should be able to offer 100% BW eggs.

God Bless,

That's an Easter Egger. Wrong color for an Ameraucana, and the vault is definitely a vault, as in, from a crested breed. Are its nostrils different from your other chicks' ? They look possibly cavernous from here.
That's an Easter Egger. Wrong color for an Ameraucana, and the vault is definitely a vault, as in, from a crested breed. Are its nostrils different from your other chicks' ? They look possibly cavernous from here.

Nope all of the ones I have hatched out from the supposed Ameraucana are the same, all the chicks have the same version of patterning only lighter with no vault! this one is the darkest version and hard to see pattern unless your holding it!
thanks i will post on the EE Thread! I really want true Ameraucana but don't know where to start!

Thats great to know. I thought you raised them. I am looking forward to it :)
Y'all may want to keep me in mind. My birds have started to lay pretty well recently but I've got other breeds in the breeding pens currently. I have males and females for both W & BW. I don't have any SW so the best I can do right now is 50/50 or 50/25/25.

However, I am planning on keeping every SW I hatch and I plan to continue to work on and keep them. So next year I should be able to offer 100% BW eggs.

God Bless,
At Christmas I hatched out a chick that was and Ameraucana x Speckled Sussex. He had yellow feet when he hatched, but they turned white a week or so later. He is now getting the white tips on his feathers like his mother.
He started crowing at about two weeks old, silliest thing you ever heard!
I have a problem with him, though, he tries to flog my hand every time I reach into the brooder to feed and water them. His brooder mate is a bantam cochin, who is sooo sweet! They are as different as night and day. I mention this because his daddy is my blue roo, and he has started attacking me when I am around the coop.
It has happened to many times the last couple of weeks, I am ready to send him off to freezer camp.
I know aggression like that is often passed on genetically. His first little apple sure didn't fall far from the tree. Do you think I will have that problem with all his male babies? I have 20 eggs in the incubator now, I would love to think I will have a nice roo in there somewhere.
Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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