Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Of course leg color is important, but since when is it an issue in the lavenders? She brings this up alot and I wonder if she's picked up on something she saw in a cuckoo discussion.

I have Marans and it is an issue in them so it is on my list of things to look for.
Well- for future reference, I wouldn't expect you to see anything unusual in lavenders' leg color. Certainly not in the ones you got from me in Sparta.
No, I just have a "split" personality

Hope they start up for ya soon. I am buried in lav eggs- think I am already done for the season if 1/2 of them hatch.
Hmm. I wouldn't call her a lav- I would say she's a sport white. Recessive whites can actually be similar to that at hatch. Are you hatching more from the same parents? I wonder if you'll get more like her.
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