Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I'm just curious - is it possible to get a pure white amerecauna when breeding Blue Amerecauna's? Let alone 2 or (possibly) 3? I only ask cause' Meyer Hatchery is telling me that yes it is, but I'm suspicious. I ordered 3 Blue Amerecauna's which are now nearly 7wks old (well, 2 of them - one died at just over 72hrs old...), which are pure white. Just wondering what everyone thinks. The other chickens are blue copper marans of the same age, also from Meyer.

What color are their legs?

If the are truely ameraucanas, and the parents were both carrying recessive white, then yes you could get white.

BUT, you ordered blue ameraucanas and these are not blue.........
If the birds they come from carry the gene for recessive White, then yes. Shanks don't seem to have enough pigment. Might get better with age.
Two of my silver ameraucana eggs hatched last night. I am so excited!
I am still waiting for more pips. Eight eggs made it to lockdown. Today is the beginning of day 21. Thanks so much Jerry. Please, please be at least one cockerel.
ok got some chicks from jerryse. they are silver ameraucana bantam. it looks like 6 are cockrels so i only want to keep 2 of them. What is the best way to start my culling? by the way i love them so much. very comical. i could sit and watch them all day.
I had a total of 10 eggs hatch.One chick has some problems with its legs, but I am not sure what it is. I am leaving the remaining egg in until thursday just incase some hatch late for some reason.
Is it spraddle legs? That's an easy fix most of the time.
I have never heard of spraddle legs before.Is it the same thing as splayed legs(i hope i spelled that right).I know it is not splayed legs.I have some pics.

this is how it stands and lays

I also posted this on the emeregiences thread(sorry about spelling I just cant spell tonight lol).
G'mornin everyone! I picked up 4 wheaton/blue Wheaton ameracauna chicks this weekend from a breeder that came recommended
fingers crossed they're pure from what I've read but I have faith, she had beautiful parent birds, seperated in pens, not mixed, chicks labeled and tagged- I was impressed.

They are approx 2-3 weeks and after getting some pics up close I'm scared I got FOUR ROO's! I'm hope its too early and I am being pessimistic due to the hours upon hours of reading about EE/ameracauna mixups/thinking I got that part down pat finding and traveling so far to seek the right breed...only to find out I can't keep any O_O it'd break my heart with all we had to go through for um lol...please let me know if there is at least one pullet?

Chick 1

Chick 2

Chick 3

Chick 4

It's still a little early to be certain but I'd say the first is a pullet and last 3 are Wheaten cockerels.

God Bless,

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