Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I have never heard of spraddle legs before.Is it the same thing as splayed legs(i hope i spelled that right).I know it is not splayed legs.I have some pics.

this is how it stands and lays

I also posted this on the emeregiences thread(sorry about spelling I just cant spell tonight lol).

I have successfully fixed feet like this. Take a bandage and cut off the two sticky tabs (throw away the absorbent center). Remove the backing paper, spread the chicks toes into a flat normal position, and stick them on the bandage tab. Then remove the backing paper to the other tab and stick it to the top of the chicks foot, be sure the two sticky tabs grip each other between the toes. You can trim around the edges so the chick doesn't trip. Do the same thing to the other foot.

IMPORTANT- go buy some Polyvisol baby vitamins from the drugstore (make sure they say "Without Iron") and give the chick one drop once or twice a day for 3 or 4 days. By then you should be able to take the "booties" off and its feet should be corrected. Most feet and leg problems are vitamin-deficiency related.
Thanks for your opinion! Gives me a lil hope there's at least one girl in there! :) thank goodness because my newb chick picking skills only know to look for healthy ones lol figured trying to sex um would be pretty far reach for me at this time

It's still a little early to be certain but I'd say the first is a pullet and last 3 are Wheaten cockerels.

God Bless,
Thanks for your opinion! Gives me a lil hope there's at least one girl in there!
thank goodness because my newb chick picking skills only know to look for healthy ones lol figured trying to sex um would be pretty far reach for me at this time
Please keep us posted on what they turn out to be, MotherCluckinMe. I just bought 2 Wheaten/Blue wheaten chicks 11 days ago from a breeder. My first true Ameraucanas (I have two EEs right now). One is smaller and looks very much like your chick #1 and the other is a bit larger and looks a lot like your chick #3. I'd be OK with one of each sex. I need a replacement for my EE roo who has recently decided to be too aggressive for his own good!
I'll take pics in order each week...I'm so hoping for at least one pullet! Looking down on them my gut sees 3 males and a female (but I'm ALWAYS opposite what gender ends up being lol) I have no idea and when I try old wives tale tricks I get all boys lol! So ill update here where the seasoned experts are!

Please keep us posted on what they turn out to be, MotherCluckinMe. I just bought 2 Wheaten/Blue wheaten chicks 11 days ago from a breeder. My first true Ameraucanas (I have two EEs right now).  One is smaller and looks very much like your chick #1 and the other is a bit larger and looks a lot like your chick #3.  I'd be OK with one of each sex.  I need a replacement for my EE roo who has recently decided to be too aggressive for his own good!
New chicken mommy here, and I have a dumb question. Are the terms Araucanas and Americanas interchangable? On the Murray McMurray site I ordered some, but they are listed with both names as Araucanas/Americanas, so I didn't know if both names mean the same breed. We are excited about our new girls! My son is especially hoping for some green eggs come late fall! With 2045 pages to wade through, I thought I'd just ask!!
Also, how much of their chick markings should I expect for them to keep? I am trying to learn who everyone is - we got our 16 chicks of 8 varieties on Monday morning, plus guinea keets! 2 of them are Araucananas, and right now I can tell them apart fairly well. They are still awaiting names. I was just wondering if I should expect them to keep their stripes or not.
This one is kind of golden with dark brown on her head, and reddish brown on her back.

This one has a thick brown/reddish stripe down her back and stripes on her wings. She is aleep on her flock mates - on top of one of the RIRs and a guinea keet behind her.
New chicken mommy here, and I have a dumb question. Are the terms Araucanas and Americanas interchangable? On the Murray McMurray site I ordered some, but they are listed with both names as Araucanas/Americanas , so I didn't know if both names mean the same breed. We are excited about our new girls! My son is especially hoping for some green eggs come late fall! With 2045 pages to wade through, I thought I'd just ask!! Also, how much of their chick markings should I expect for them to keep? I am trying to learn who everyone is - we got our 16 chicks of 8 varieties on Monday morning, plus guinea keets! 2 of them are Araucananas, and right now I can tell them apart fairly well. They are still awaiting names. I was just wondering if I should expect them to keep their stripes or not. This one is kind of golden with dark brown on her head, and reddish brown on her back. This one has a thick brown/reddish stripe down her back and stripes on her wings. She is aleep on her flock mates - on top of one of the RIRs and a guinea keet behind her.
Anything from a hatchery will be Easter eggers. not a true araucana or ameraucana.
I have successfully fixed feet like this. Take a bandage and cut off the two sticky tabs (throw away the absorbent center). Remove the backing paper, spread the chicks toes into a flat normal position, and stick them on the bandage tab. Then remove the backing paper to the other tab and stick it to the top of the chicks foot, be sure the two sticky tabs grip each other between the toes. You can trim around the edges so the chick doesn't trip. Do the same thing to the other foot.

IMPORTANT- go buy some Polyvisol baby vitamins from the drugstore (make sure they say "Without Iron") and give the chick one drop once or twice a day for 3 or 4 days. By then you should be able to take the "booties" off and its feet should be corrected. Most feet and leg problems are vitamin-deficiency related.
Thank you.I will try this today.I hope it works!
New chicken mommy here, and I have a dumb question. Are the terms Araucanas and Americanas interchangable? On the Murray McMurray site I ordered some, but they are listed with both names as Araucanas/Americanas, so I didn't know if both names mean the same breed. We are excited about our new girls! My son is especially hoping for some green eggs come late fall! With 2045 pages to wade through, I thought I'd just ask!!
Also, how much of their chick markings should I expect for them to keep? I am trying to learn who everyone is - we got our 16 chicks of 8 varieties on Monday morning, plus guinea keets! 2 of them are Araucananas, and right now I can tell them apart fairly well. They are still awaiting names. I was just wondering if I should expect them to keep their stripes or not.
This one is kind of golden with dark brown on her head, and reddish brown on her back.

This one has a thick brown/reddish stripe down her back and stripes on her wings. She is aleep on her flock mates - on top of one of the RIRs and a guinea keet behind her.

As wlrabbitry said you have what are called Easter Eggers on BYC. They make great birds, but they are not the breed Ameraucana (note the AU in the middle) or the breed Auracana. Come over and join us on the thread that celebrates our Easter Eggers!

The adults will not have the stripes, or the banding on their wings. You can see lots of pictures of adults and chicks on our EE thread.
I would seriously worry about over dosing the chick on those vitamins, personally I cut a tiny strip of vet wrap to do the job- and in a few days it will be pretty obvious whether or not the chick will recover
When I went out to get it to try and fix it, it was dead.But thank you to those who told me some ways that might be able to fix it.If I have a chick in a similar situation I will know what to do now.

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