Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Chickenlady, Louisiana's baton rouge craigslist, lol I have no idea where you're at, I JUST got a message from my hubby showing me them! But the eggs are a bit to small for my hen number limits here :/ beautiful birds tho...
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Chickenlady, Louisiana's baton rouge craigslist, lol I have no idea where you're at, I JUST got a message from my hubby showing me them! But the eggs are a bit to small for my hen number limits here
beautiful birds tho...

i live in sacramento california
so sorry. watch your others as if it is a resident hawk it will likely come again now that it knows chickens are easy meals .
Once they taste them many times they will keep getting the easy meal and cross the line from being a valuable part of the eco system to a pest. just like a fox , coon or coyote

Though with hawks there is not much you can legally do
you can try to feed some crows or ravens your extra eggs. get some crows or ravens to start hanging around and they will scare the hawks away too
best bet is a covered run. all this may help but no guarantee
Yes best to be sure rather than hope. I have Red tail hawks , prairie falcons and brown eagles. As well some some screech owls and great horned owls. A covered run Also keeps the mountain lion and bobcats i have out. I got the night time red eyes for the coyotes at night and i have plans for a donkey here soon to round out my daytime and dusk-dawn protection,

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