Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

Can anyone tell the quality of my blue cockerel? Very new, hoping to hatch BBS chicks from him in the Spring. Thanks!




Now i have not criticued many birds. Not knew to hqving this breed, just newer to trying to get good eye. I dont think his color really hurts the quality of him, i think that is more of a personal taste thing, but he is a little light for my liking. Like heartmoss farm said his shanks are a little light but like they also said he is still young. Unless someone absolutley tells you that their is some very undiserable flaw in him, keep for a little while and let him grow out. See how he matures and what his temperment is like. i hope some more experienced people ( not saying heartmoss farm isnt experienced i just meant other experienced people besides who has posted) can give you aome better insight on him. Really that is all I got, hopefully it helped a little.
i have almost 14 week old black ameraucana cockerel i am going to cull in a few days. He has a croos beak and it progessivly getting worse, no diifculty eating yet buy i am not going to let it get to that point. Its a shame too because for as young as he is he is filling out prretty good. same with my blind in one eye cockerel. They are the only blacks i had hatch. Now i think i down to two blues to chooose from. Today i need ro go count how many young AM cockerels i have, i domt even remember anymore.
Okay, here are the photos of the strange "fluffed out" feathers on one of my blue girls. She's got such nice coloring, good weight, conformation... comb is not too good. But then there is the strange feather problem. Talk about feathers that are NOT tight...

I talked to a friend who thought it might be a nutritional deficiency of some sort. Vitamin A maybe?

Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Her body angle is bad. i wouldn't use her. Seems like the angle of her back is way off her neck is even further down than horizontal. Maybe the wind is always getting under the feathers fluffing them up.
I have a dozen Blue , black , and splash Ameraucana hatching eggs in my incubator right now. and all are looking good so far.
Can anyone tell the quality of my blue cockerel? Very new, hoping to hatch BBS chicks from him in the Spring. Thanks!
I really like his beard and muffs at this time and should get fuller as he matures.. Beak should be dark horn color, usually at a young age it is started. Legs too light in color and they look closer to the color of a blue wheaten leg. He looks like he has good leg placement. Nice and wide and good shank angle. His saddle feathers and hack feathers look like a really nice color coming in. That being said..I do not like his tail placement at this time. It makes him look long backed and square. It should be 45 degrees and come up gracefully in a sweep and not harsh. He does have nice wide support hard feathering in his tail. His underfluff feathers are too light and too fluffy below his tail and might be adding to the too high tail carriage. He is too young..he will look totally different in 6-8 weeks.


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