Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

That really ticks me off.  Breeders--and I'm not one of them--put a lot of effort, time and money to try to breed an Ameraucana to conform to the SOP, only to have basically mutts of who knows what parentage and really, who knows what color egg they'll lay, sold as purebred.  I sometimes feel as if, why bother trying to breed them if no one even recognizes the breed.

Well, I find value in the thread. At least I was able to find P. Smith's name and get some real Ameraucanas and learn the difference between the two. As for the remark that there is an undertone of hostility in this thread, I wonder what the undertone of the EE thread would sound like if everyone in it posted pics of just any old breed they wanted to and took over the thread discussing those "breeds." If you've got EEs and want to keep and breed them, there's a thread for you. If you've got Ameraucanas, there's really no real thread to go to without wading through endless discussions and pics of EEs.
Well, I find value in the thread. At least I was able to find P. Smith's name and get some real Ameraucanas and learn the difference between the two. As for the remark that there is an undertone of hostility in this thread, I wonder what the undertone of the EE thread would sound like if everyone in it posted pics of just any old breed they wanted to and took over the thread discussing those "breeds." If you've got EEs and want to keep and breed them, there's a thread for you. If you've got Ameraucanas, there's really no real thread to go to without wading through endless discussions and pics of EEs.
What I really wanted from the 'Ameracauna" thread is input from what I figured were experts.....didn't mean to step on toes... I know that there is a difference but I am new to different breeds. When I buy something without going to a certified breeder, I know that I'm chancing getting an "off brand". Again, that's why I came to you (the Ameracauna Thread).. I don't mean to get on the wrong thread. I just wanted some expert opinions without feeling like I've done something wrong... Sorry, I won't be on here any more..I'm a newbie raising backyard chickens for eggs and I'm trying my best to know exactly what kind of chickens I've ended up with. I want to take good care of them.
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As with all internet discourse, tone and inflection are not easily discerned. Attitudes may be miscontrued. Some folks just have answered the same questions so many times, they forget that YOU didn't ask them and may come off as grumpy or even angry. Much of that is directed at hatcheries who insist on mislabeling their birds, no matter how many breeders ask them to make it right.

If you can look past what you feel may be irritation at your questions and just take the information and glean from it what you need, you'll soon find you understand where the folks are coming from who have been on the thread for years, answering the same questions over and over again. Not saying you aren't right about some of the attitude, but much of it is just weariness over the issue, not anger at you personally.
Sorry everyone for coming here.....I had already assumed that mine were probably EE. I also would be upset if I had ordered Ameracaua's and didn't get the "real thing"... I understand the anger over even some hatcheries lying about what they are really selling, especially if I wanted to specifically breed that particular breed....So I do understand where you are coming from...I would feel the same way.. However, I just wanted you expert input so I would know something so please don't get upset with me....I would think its a flattery for me to come to you for information...
Sorry everyone for coming here.....I had already assumed that mine were probably EE. I also would be upset if I had ordered Ameracaua's and didn't get the "real thing"... I understand the anger over even some hatcheries lying about what they are really selling, especially if I wanted to specifically breed that particular breed....So I do understand where you are coming from...I would feel the same way.. However, I just wanted you expert input so I would know something so please don't get upset with me....I would think its a flattery for me to come to you for information...

Myself I welcome those who wish to learn. Not interested in arguing. We were all new at one time.
Sorry everyone for coming here.....I had already assumed that mine were probably EE. I also would be upset if I had ordered Ameracaua's and didn't get the "real thing"... I understand the anger over even some hatcheries lying about what they are really selling, especially if I wanted to specifically breed that particular breed....So I do understand where you are coming from...I would feel the same way.. However, I just wanted you expert input so I would know something so please don't get upset with me....I would think its a flattery for me to come to you for information...

There is not need to be sorry for coming here. Really. In fact, I'm kind of upset that you feel the need to apologize for asking. This thread is the right place to come to with that question. We as a group must be doing something wrong when we alienate so many people who thought they had purebred Ameraucanas and in fact have Easter Eggers.

I also wonder how much of the inevitable alienation is just a natural hurt response from the person who gets the news that their bird is not a purebred but a mutt of some kind. Maybe there isn't a way to not alienate most of the people who find out they don't have Ameraucanas after all.

How can we word it more tactfully? What did we do wrong?
There is not need to be sorry for coming here. Really. In fact, I'm kind of upset that you feel the need to apologize for asking. This thread is the right place to come to with that question. We as a group must be doing something wrong when we alienate so many people who thought they had purebred Ameraucanas and in fact have Easter Eggers.

I also wonder how much of the inevitable alienation is just a natural hurt response from the person who gets the news that their bird is not a purebred but a mutt of some kind. Maybe there isn't a way to not alienate most of the people who find out they don't have Ameraucanas after all.

How can we word it more tactfully? What did we do wrong?
Really, I said I was just into backyard chickens and am not really uptight about what I had.. if I were a breeder...then I would have been upset over being sold something mislabled. I had already read enough to know that it happened a lot. So when I bought these little puffs of feathers from a "store" without personally knowing the linage...I was willing to have EE if that's what they were even though they were not listed that way.. In fact, I have read and read and read as much as possible before I got any chicks.. But I just had never seen a picture of chicks of EE or Ameracaunas so I just wanted an opinion. I am responsible for buying these,, understanding they could be either so I'm ok with it.. these are going to backyard pets. I'm partially handicapped and restricted on what I can do.. This is something I can do. Thank you so much for your response....I'm not mad or angry..Checked out your profile....looks like you are a Texan! By the way, My roots are from the Ft.Worth and OK City areas. And I love, love, love San Antonio. Lived at Ft. Bliss when I first got married.. Texas/OK sand is still inbetween my toes!!!
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What I really wanted from the 'Ameracauna" thread is input from what I figured were experts.....didn't mean to step on toes...   I know that there is a difference but I am new to different breeds. When I buy something without going to a certified breeder, I know that I'm chancing getting an "off brand".  Again, that's why I came to you (the Ameracauna Thread).. I don't mean to get on the wrong thread.   I just wanted some expert opinions without feeling like I've done something wrong... Sorry, I won't be on here any more..I'm a newbie raising backyard chickens for eggs and I'm trying my best to know exactly what kind of chickens I've ended up with. I want to take good care of them.:)  

Really, don't worry about it. You didn't cause the confusion. Those that sell eggs and chickens labeled Ameraucana, when they are not cause the confusion. I hope you get all the info you need and really enjoy your chickens. For my laying flock, I started out with TSC Red pullets and a TSC Black Australorpe rooster. I still have the rooster. I love him. The only difference is that I knew what I was getting when I bought them, so there was no confusion.
Can someone suggest a reputable place to order nice quality hatching eggs for Wheaten or Blue Wheatens? I'm hoping to start a very small breeding project and hatch some nice stock to start out. I'm not looking for necessarily super expensive show birds, but I would really like to get some that are true to the breed. I'm proficient enough with our incubator that I am willing to try out some fancy eggs now. Thanks for any help!

I don't know if Paul ships eggs, but he ships gorgeous Ameraucana chicks. Here's his email: psmith AT (just remove the spaces and replace AT with @

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