Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

My aunt uses food coloring mixed with Vaseline to find needed marans eggs.
I've tried this with no luck. Food coloring or food dye? Is there a type that stains more strongly?

Good idea, but I have 4 hens that I would like to figure out, and they lay sporadically at best so I'm not sure who is supposed to lay when..

Thanks for the suggestion. Maybe once they start laying regularly I could attempt this.
I am just a lurker who posts every once in a great while. Like I said, I am staying far away from that subject and will let those with the patients I know I don't have deal with it. It keeps me behaved and happy! ;)
I hatched a few chicks from eggs bought from a fellow BYCer. They are about 10 days old. Does it look like two blacks and a blue? Or how much will their colors change as they grow? And how long will it take before I can start guessing their sex? Oh...that was a lot of questions!

I hatched a few chicks from eggs bought from a fellow BYCer. They are about 10 days old. Does it look like two blacks and a blue? Or how much will their colors change as they grow? And how long will it take before I can start guessing their sex? Oh...that was a lot of questions!


Yes 2 blacks and a blue. By 4-6 weeks you may be able to sex them.
I hatched a few chicks from eggs bought from a fellow BYCer. They are about 10 days old. Does it look like two blacks and a blue? Or how much will their colors change as they grow? And how long will it take before I can start guessing their sex? Oh...that was a lot of questions! Thanks!!
Yes 2 blacks and a blue. By 4-6 weeks you may be able to sex them.
THANKS! I feel better having my suspicions confirmed. Will I be looking for the typical comb size and color to differentiate or are there other little tricks for these guys?
These are my two beAutiful EE's. My new additions to my flock. Love love them. But not sure what coloring they are and if they are pullets or cockreals. Any ideas? :) thank you!
THANKS! I feel better having my suspicions confirmed. Will I be looking for the typical comb size and color to differentiate or are there other little tricks for these guys?

Yes comb size and color plus a cockerels tail feathers grow slower. Some say cockerels have thicker legs but I never use that method.

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