Ameraucana thread for posting pictures and discussing our birds

I know you guys get a lot of color questions and this has probably been answered before... But I've been curious what color this is, and is this an EE or Ameraucauna? She was sold to me as an Ameraucauna about 2 years ago.

This a EE. My best guess on color is dominant white is involved turning your basic partridge EE into a pseudo type red pyle color.
Thank you Therry... If it is a he... He sure is beautiful :)

I had a chick named tippy. Named him that because I had to finish hatching him as he was shrink wrapping badly. Then he was so weak and not eatting or drinking, he would walk on his tippy toes. So I would dip his beak in eelectrolytes a couple times a day till he got better. He grew up with the same color just diff pattern, as a roo
I got a couple more Ameraucauna chicks, so once they get their adult feathers in I may need your help again on whether they are in fact Ameraucaunas.

Your welcome. If you are getting chicks from a farm store or feed store they are EE. They order from large hatcheries.
I got a couple more Ameraucauna chicks, so once they get their adult feathers in I may need your help again on whether they are in fact Ameraucaunas.
If you are really eager to know about your chicks, we will likely be able to tell you now. BTW love the coloring of your EE girl, I have one with similar, but where yours has white, she has blue
I had a chick named tippy. Named him that because I had to finish hatching him as he was shrink wrapping badly. Then he was so weak and not eatting or drinking, he would walk on his tippy toes. So I would dip his beak in eelectrolytes a couple times a day till he got better. He grew up with the same color just diff pattern, as a roo

Awe! Tippy. So cute:). I love my EASTER EGGERS! Eventually want to have an entire flock of them. Thanks again for the reply.

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